无线快充慢充荣耀ichaiyang 2024-05-16 14:26 30
1. Replace the suitable chargerThe first way is to increase the power output of the power adapter, thereby increasing the charging power and speed of the terminal. The first way is...

Huawei Glory 30 youth version how to set slow charge?

1. Replace the suitable charger

The first way is to increase the power output of the power adapter, thereby increasing the charging power and speed of the terminal. The first way is to replace the fast charger, find a fast charger that is consistent with your phone, and increase the output power, the phone will charge faster.

2. Turn on airplane mode

Even when not in use, the background of the phone will automatically run some small programs, such as weather, calendar or other open program automatic notifications, these programs use memory but also consume power, making charging speed slow. Therefore, before charging, we can open the phone to flight mode and actively close the background operation program, so that the charging speed will become faster.

3. Charge at the right temperature

When the temperature of the mobile phone is too high, the battery will be in an unstable state, and the current input to the mobile phone will become smaller, and the corresponding charging speed will naturally become slower. Similarly, at low temperatures, the phone will enter the \"low temperature protection\" state, and the current entering the phone will also become smaller and lower the charging speed. Therefore, before charging, try to keep the phone at a suitable temperature, such as putting it in place for a period of time after a long time of use, or do not use the phone for a period of time before going out, and then the charging speed will be improved a lot.

4. Don't play while pretending

This situation often occurs when watching TV dramas or playing mobile phone games, and find that the phone is out of power immediately connected to the charger, and then continue to use. In fact, when charging, the mobile phone as far as possible not to use, charging while playing will let the mobile phone in a state of high load background program operation power consumption at the same time in the input current, the battery and mobile phone temperature will rise, long-term so will lead to body damage, there is a hidden danger of explosion.

5. Clean the charging port regularly

In daily life, the bottom charging port of the mobile phone should avoid dirt and water stains as far as possible, when it is found that the charging port is blocked by foreign bodies, it should be dredge as soon as possible, and the daily use can also be regularly cleaned up the charging port, if it is found that the foreign body is blocked, the light contact can not be charged, and the serious may also directly burn the phone, which is not worth the loss.

When using the original charger, the charging speed will be faster and can be turned off when charging 1. After the smart charging mode of Huawei mobile phone is turned on, the system will automatically learn the charging habit and slow down the battery to 100% when necessary. This can slow the aging of the battery and improve the service life of the battery.

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2. Turn on the butler that comes with your phone.

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3. Tap the battery icon on the home screen.

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4. On the battery screen, select the \"More Battery Settings\" option at the bottom.

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5. Select the switch of intelligent charging mode and turn it on, so that it is in the open state. All backstage, reduce power consumption