oneIt may be that the mobile phone protection case is too thick, it is recommended to choose a thin mobile phone protection case or not use when using wireless charging.twoIt may b...

Apple wireless charger does not respond?


It may be that the mobile phone protection case is too thick, it is recommended to choose a thin mobile phone protection case or not use when using wireless charging.


It may be that the phone is not aligned with the charging area of the wireless charger, it is recommended to check the wireless charger specification to determine the wireless charging area.


It may be that the wireless charger is not suitable for the wireless charging system of the mobile phone, so it is recommended to use the charger that meets the wireless charging requirements of the mobile phone.


May be the wireless charger failure, it is recommended to contact after-sales maintenance.

If there is no response, it may be the problem of the mobile phone, it is recommended to go to the mobile phone shop to repair it