南桥芯片ichaiyang 2024-05-14 19:40 44
1. What is the function of the Southbridge chip and the Northbridge chip? 2, Where is the Southbridge chip? 3, What is the North-South Bridge chip on the computer motherboard? M...

Southbridge chip (Function of Southbridge chip)

What is the function of the Southbridge chip and the Northbridge chip?

The functions of the North bridge chip and the South bridge chip are as follows: The North bridge and the South bridge are the most important two pieces of the chipset on the motherboard, and they are both bus controllers. The south bridge is mainly responsible for IO, and the north bridge is used for CPU and memory, graphics card, PCI exchange data. The North bridge and the South bridge are the two most important chipsets on the motherboard, and they are both bus controllers.

North Bridge. Northbridge Chip is responsible for working with CPU connection and control of memory, AGP, PCI data transmission in the north bridge, providing the type and frequency of the CPU, the front-end bus frequency of the system, the type and maximum capacity of the memory, ISA (this has long been eliminated) /PCI/AGP/PCIE slot, ECC error correction support. The integrated chipset's Northbridge chip also integrates the display core.

North bridge chip is close to the CPU part of the relatively large chip, generally covered with heat sink, its main function is responsible for CPU and memory, graphics card and other equipment control, connection, processing and other functions is a motherboard of the most critical chip,The general motherboard is named after the Northbridge chip model it uses. Now NVIDIA has a North-South bridge integration chip, which combines the functions of two chips on a single chip, reducing costs accordingly.

North bridge chip: is the closest chip to the CPU on the motherboard, this is mainly to take into account the most close communication between the North bridge chip and the processor, in order to improve the communication performance and shorten the transmission distance.

The North bridge chip is mainly responsible for the data exchange between the CPU and the memory, and controls the transmission of AGP and PCI data in its interior; The Southbridge chip is mainly responsible for some other I/O interfacesSet interface control, IDE device control and additional functions and so on.

Where is the Southbridge chip?

1, the north bridge is close to the CPU chip, basically covered by heat sink (red box below); The south bridge is a chip away from the CPU, which is generally covered by heat sinks (purple box below); PCH is actually the chip after the merger of the north and south bridge of the motherboard, which mainly assumes the previous South bridge function, so the position is similar to the South bridge chip (purple box below). Near the cpu is the north bridge and far away is the south bridge.

2, Southbridge chip bitIn its hard disk IDE interface or SATA interface near a position, it is not covered above, the chip above the VIA or SIS or INTER words, that is the south bridge chip manufacturer, that is, the club from the hard disk data line interface closer to the chip is the south bridge chip.

3, south bridge chip: is an important part of the motherboard chipset, generally located on the motherboard far from the CPU slot below, the front of the PCI, that is, by the front side of the main box, this layout is to take into account that it is connected to the I/O bus more, far from the processor is conducive to wiring. mainFunction: North bridge chip: mainly control CPU memory graphics card and other high-speed equipment.

4, the south bridge of Shenzhou notebook is located on the motherboard, the specific location may vary by model. The Southbridge is a chipset on the motherboard that connects and manages various external devices, such as hard drives, USB ports, etc. Typically, the south bridge is located in the center of the motherboard or near the bottom of the motherboard. The reason is that placing the South bridge on the motherboard has the following considerations.

5, the south bridge chip is an important part of the motherboard chipset, generally located on the motherboard far below the CPU slot, PCI slotNearby, generally no heat sink cover. The North bridge chip is the closest chip to the CPU on the motherboard, which is mainly due to the fact that the communication between the North bridge chip and the processor is the closest, and the transmission distance is shortened in order to improve the communication performance. The North Bridge plays a leading role in the computer, so it is also called the Host Bridge.

6, the detection of the notebook south bridge north bridge is an important link to confirm its normal operation. This article will introduce the location and function of the North bridge, as well as three detection methods to help readers better understand the hardware status of the laptop. The appearance observed south bridge or North bridge chip is usually located in the mainThe center of the board or near the main processor. By observing whether the chip exists, whether there is obvious physical damage or abnormal conditions, you can initially determine whether the north bridge of the South Bridge is working normally.

What is the North-South Bridge chip on the computer motherboard? What is it mainly used for?

1, the Southbridge chip is responsible for the communication between I/O buses, such as PCI bus, USB, LAN, ATA, SATA, audio controller, keyboard controller, real-time clock controller, advanced power management, etcSome technologies are generally relatively stable, so the south bridge chip may be the same in different chipsets, but the difference is only the north bridge chip. So now the number of north bridge chips in the motherboard chipset is much more than the south bridge chip.

2, the North bridge chip is the closest chip to the CPU on the motherboard, which is mainly to take into account the most close communication between the North bridge chip and the processor, in order to improve the communication performance and shorten the transmission distance. The North Bridge plays a leading role in the computer, so it is also called the Host Bridge.

3, the North bridge chip is the closest chip to the CPU on the motherboardThis is mainly due to the fact that the communication between the North bridge chip and the processor is the most close, and the transmission distance is shortened in order to improve the communication performance.

4, North bridge (main) : system control chip, mainly responsible for the communication between CPU and memory, CPU and AGP. The control items are mostly high-speed devices, such as CPU and Host Bus. The late North bridge integrated memory controller, Cache high-speed controller; The functions are as follows: ① Communication between the CPU and memory. ② Cache control. ③ AGP control (graphics acceleration port) ④ PCI bus control. ⑤ CPU and external