1. Intel in the sunset: Can making chips for others make a comeback? (below 2, Intel enters the chip foundry market with a high profile, wants to stage a three-nation competition...

Intel enters Chip foundry market (Intel Chip Foundry)

Intel in the sunset: Can making chips for others make a comeback? (lower)

NowToday, about 90% of cutting-edge chips are made by TSMC, while the rest are made by Samsung. "Developing a new generation of technology is extremely difficult," Hu said. In terms of extreme technology leadership, Intel now lags behind TSMC and Samsung, all due to the fact that Intel is not involved in contract manufacturing.

* Technology Production and Manufacturing: Today, Intel has a $500 million chip test and packaging facility in Shanghai, providing world-class packaging and testing based on 0.13 micron processes for flash memory, I845 chipsets and Pentium 4 processors, and the highest performance office in the worldProcessing products; At the same time, it has also trained a large number of domestic knowledge workers who have mastered the world-class chip manufacturing technology.

Sunset you do not accompany, rise again who are you, share the joys and sorrows you are not, splendor and wealth you do not deserve. There is always another day when the sun is shining. One day the tiger will return to the mountain, and half the sky will be stained with blood. The poem was written by modern people, the author is unknown, because the poem is popular, concise and comprehensive, the poem quickly spread on the Internet. The poem quotes the allusion to "rise again".

Nvidia CEO confirms talks with Intel on contract manufacturing services, future Gpus may be manufactured by rival fabs...

1. According to TomsHardware, Huang confirmed that Nvidia is considering using Intel's fabs to make some of its chips. At present, Nvidia is Intel's competitor in CPU and GPU, but Huang Renxun does not mind, saying that for many years, both Intel and AMD understand Nvidia's unpublicized product roadmap, so they will not be obsessed with whether they will share moreLots of information. Nvidia is one of the biggest buyers of outsourced chip production, and Chief Executive Jen-Hsun Huang said on Wednesday it would consider using Intel's fabs to make chips on a contract basis. Huang said he wants to diversify Nvidia's supply chain as much as possible and would consider partnering with Intel. Nvidia currently uses the foundry of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co and Samsung Electronics Co to produce its chips. 3, it is worth mentioning that Nvidia CEO Jen-Hsun Huang said on May 30 that the company's supply chain will strive to diversify, H100GPU is byTSMC foundry production, some products are also manufactured by Samsung, and will soon be open to Intel foundry. In the field of data centers, Nvidia also has GraceCPU, Hopper and AdaLovelaceGPU as well as DPU products.