1, China's 2023 2, Our country's innovation in science and technology has obtained the new historical achievements in the new era, including 3, with branchThe development of tec...

Domestic technology ushered in major progress (Domestic technology ushered in major progress reasons)

China's major achievements in 2023

Last year, China made remarkable achievements in the space field: the Long March 5B carrier rocket successfully completed its first flight mission, and accurately sent the Chang 'e-5 probe into the predetermined orbit, laying the foundation for the return of lunar samples to the Earth. The first flight of the Long March 8 carrier rocket was a complete success, marking an important breakthrough in China's recoverable and reusable rocket technology.

The following is 20China's greatest achievement in 23 years: High-quality economic development: China has firmly promoted high-quality development and become a key driver of global economic growth through technological innovation and greater opening-up. Environmental protection: The Chinese government is committed to reducing pollution, promoting sustainable development, and striving to achieve carbon neutrality, setting a global example in environmental protection. In 2023, the Aerospace Science and Technology Group will implement a number of commercial launch missions to provide rapid, stable and reliable launch services for various customers, and promote the sustainable and healthy development of China's commercial space. The contribution of aerospace science and technology to comprehensive national strengthThe development of manned space flight is one of the important means for countries to improve their comprehensive national strength. Manned space development reflects the improvement of our country's science and technology.

Mars exploration: China's first Mars exploration mission was successfully launched in 2023, putting the probe into orbit around Mars, marking an important step in China's exploration of the Red planet. Space Station construction: The main construction of China's space station is successfully completed in 2023, and the space station has entered the formal operation stage. This achievement is not only of great significance to China's space industry, but also contributes to international space exploration.

Our country's scientific and technological innovation in the new era has made new historical achievements, including

1. China has made new historic achievements in scientific and technological innovation in the new era, including: quantum technology, 5G technology, big data and artificial intelligence, basic scientific research, aerospace, new energy and environmental protection technology, biomedicine, Internet of Things, earth science, earth science, etc.

2, aerospace: China has made remarkable achievements in space technology, successfully executed a number of manned space missions and lunar exploration projects, becoming the global aerospace fieldImportant participating countries. 3. New historic achievements were made in scientific and technological innovation, and important progress was made in basic research and original innovation. Through "organized scientific research", the formation of a strong force to promote scientific and technological innovation has played an important role in scientific and technological breakthroughs such as lunar exploration projects and the development of domestic large aircraft. The major scientific and technological breakthroughs made by China in the new era are mainly reflected in manned spaceflight, lunar exploration and fire exploration, deep-sea deep-earth exploration, supercomputers, and domestic large aircraft. China's manned space program began on September 21, 1992, so it is also called "921" program. Since 2018China began to look at full-scale space station construction. In the new era, China has made remarkable achievements in the field of science and technology, which are reflected in the following aspects: Manned spaceflight: China has made continuous breakthroughs since the launch of the manned spaceflight program in 1992, that is, the "921" program.

What scientific research achievements are there in our country with the development of science and technology

With the development of science and technology, some scientific research achievements in China are: supercomputers, high-speed rail technology, e-commerce, mobile payment, new energy vehicles. superChina has made remarkable achievements in the field of supercomputers. China first took the top spot in the world supercomputer rankings in 2010 and has held the lead many times since.

Biotechnology: China has made a series of breakthroughs in the field of biotechnology, such as gene editing technology, artificial meat technology and so on. These achievements provide strong support for solving the challenges of food security and ecological environment in China. Nuclear energy technology: China has made important progress in nuclear energy technology, and successfully developed three generations of nuclear power technology with independent intellectual property rights, Hualong One, laying a solid foundation for the development of China's nuclear energy industry