芯片程序破解ichaiyang 2024-05-13 15:20 49
1, Cyberpunk 2077 How to remove chip virus 2, What are the chip decryption methods 3, chip hack Cyberpunk 2077 How to remove Chip virus 1. Step Press the I key on the keyboard...

Chip program cracking (chip program cracking tutorial)

Cyberpunk 2077 How to remove Chip virus

1. Step Press the I key on the keyboard to open the item bar. As shown below: Step Select the log column, click to open the chip option at the bottom. As shown in the picture below: Step to find the column of military science and technology data chip, press the F key of the keyboard to crack security. As shown in the following figure: Step upload the code in the required sequence, and enter it into the cache with the code matrix. As shown below: The virus is removed at the end of the step.

2, Cyberpunk 2077 chip virus cleaning how to do? A lot of playersThis process is stuck do not know how to operate, the following steps for you to clean the chip virus method: press [J] to open the log interface, and then press esc to return to the main menu.

3, Cyberpunk 2077 Remove chip virus guide Click [i] to open the log, the right log bar drop-down there is a chip. Pull down to the bottom and find the military tech chip. Select the chip and select Crack malicious program, then you can remove the chip virus. After the chip is removed your beautiful female boss will die, don't remove those who don't want her to die.

4, when the players crackWait to first move the mouse over the log, and then see the chip pull down. We see military tech data chips and we click on them and we crack them. When cracking it should be noted that there are two green to complete, red represents failure, players can try a few more times to crack the virus, it is not very difficult to try it.

5, Cyberpunk 2077 voodoo gang radio wave task how to clear the virus? After many players finish the task, there is still a bad state and accompanied by a red flower screen effect, which is because the chip virus in the task has not been cleared. So how do you get rid of this virus?This state should disappear after the end of the mission, the issue is currently a bug, it is recommended that players re-read the file or restart the game, or wait for a while to return to normal.

6, chip crack tutorial share Cyberpunk 2077 play to "get goods" this main task, will receive a military technology to the encryption chip, enter the crack interface can be found to be up and down two lines. At first for how to crack the upper and lower two lines at the same time have no clue, after several read files finally found the crack law, right as a record.

chip decryption methods

If the decryption uses the chip probe to read the flash or rom directly inside the chip, the above method is not guaranteed, and this level is also very professional, the general decrypter does not have this condition.

The chip and the circuit board closely embrace, and the tin welding line affects their hearts like a red line. This method is simple and practical, but it is necessary to pay attention to the quality of welding, otherwise it is easy to "break up". This method is the most convenient and is suitable for situations where the "object" needs to be changed frequently or reconfigured.

After the package of the chip, in order to function testing, sometimes need to connect a specific line.

In fact, the best way to prevent fraud is to go directly to their company to see if there is any decryption equipment. If something is true, if nothing is false. No matter how far away, if you are doing decryption for the first time, I suggest you better visit the other company. If it's true, we can work together for a long time.

chip cracking chip cracking method

1, the use of instantaneous overload to burn some unused but read the program and necessary IO feet, soWe can't read the program without destroying the chip. If the decryption uses the chip probe to read the flash or rom directly inside the chip, the above method is not guaranteed, and this level is also very professional, the general decrypter does not have this condition.

2, as shown in the following figure: Finally, a single line match of the first row will be able to successfully crack both lines. Note: This is only the first chip I got that needs to be cracked, and it is not clear whether there will be a chip that needs multiple lines (greater than 2) to crack, or there will be multiple repeated characters, but the method should be universal, find the same word firstThen determine whether both characters are in the matching window by moving the number of bits.

3, probe technology The technology is to directly expose the internal connection of the chip, and then observe, control, interfere with the MCU to achieve the purpose of attack. For the sake of convenience, these four attack techniques are divided into two categories, one is the intrusion type of attack (physical attack), which requires the destruction of the package, and then the semiconductor test equipment, microscopes and microlocators, in a specialized laboratory for hours or even weeks to complete.

4, the first method needs to bind the chip to the test fixture, with the help of the binding tableTo operate. In addition to the attacker's knowledge and necessary skills, the second method also requires personal wisdom and patience, but it is relatively convenient to operate and completely operated in the family. The plastic on the chip can be peeled off with a knife, and the epoxy around the chip can be corroded away with concentrated nitric acid.

5, MCU decryption, there are mainly the following methods to crack the early Atmel Flash film has a bug, that is, when the chip is erased, it will first erase the protection bit and then erase the content. So the solution came in, when it was erased, precisely timed, power cut in the middle, so