光子芯片ichaiyang 2024-05-13 13:50 45
1, What are the photonic chip leading concept stocks?2, China photonic chip listed company 3, What is a photonic chip 4, Can photonic chips replace electronic chips 5, Quantum...

Photonic chip (Photonic chip concept leading stock)

What are the photonic chip leading concept stocks

Photonic chip leading concept stock 1: Beijing Junzheng (300223) Beijing Junzheng has the world's leading embedded CPU technology and low power technology. Aiming at the characteristics of mobile multimedia products, Beijing Junzheng creatively launched its unique 32-bit microprocessor technology XBurst. XBurst technology uses an innovative microarchitecture that enables the microprocessor to fire commands at very high speeds with very low power consumption.

First, ZTE. As ZhongChina's leading supplier of communication equipment and solutions, ZTE has always maintained a leading position in the field of photonic chips. The company has rich experience and technical advantages in the design, manufacture and application of photonic chips. At present, ZTE's photonic chip products have been widely used in 5G, cloud computing, artificial intelligence and other fields, with good market competitiveness. Second, Huawei technology.

At present, the domestic silicon photonics concept stock leaders are mainly Huawei, ZTE, Intel and other companies. These companies are ahead of other companies in silicon photonics technology research and development, with stable product performance and a wide range of applications.Large market share. Among them, Huawei is one of the leading enterprises in the domestic silicon photonics industry chain. Huawei has invested heavily in the research and development of silicon photonics technology, and has the world's largest optoelectronics research and development team and the most complete optoelectronics industry chain.

What are the stocks related to optical chips? Taichenguang (300570) : the leading domestic manufacturer of communication network physical connection equipment, breaking the monopoly of Europe and the United States, filling the gap in the domestic industry. Huagong Technology (000988) : Wuhan Yunling Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. was established to develop high-speed optical chips. At present, Huagong Zhengyuan has a certain foundation in optical chips.

A listed company. Main business fiber optic cable, wire and cable, special optical cable, optical devices, communication devices and equipment, communication big data and engineering services, system integration solutions and other communications industry chain coverage of one of the industry's leading enterprises.

Hengtong Optoelectronics. According to the inquiry of the Southern wealth network, the leader of the listed photonic chip company is Hengtong Optoelectronics. The main business of Hengtong Optoelectronics is the research and development, production and sales of optical communication equipment and devices. Its products include optical fiber connectors, optical modules, optical fiber distribution frames, etc. The company also provides the overall solution of optical communication system. As a leading optical communication equipment manufacturer in ChinaFirst, Hengtong Optoelectronics enjoys a high reputation and market share in domestic and foreign markets.

What is a photon chip

1, photonic chips sound quite cutting-edge, a little standing on the top of the technology inside the flavor ~ but in fact, photonic chips and electronic chips, as early as the 1980s was born, although it is the twin brother of electronic chips, photonic chips actually have higher talent than electronic chips.

2, photon is the use of light waves as a medium for information transmission and processing. Researchers have identified indium phosphide's luminescent propertiesThe optical routing capabilities of silicon are integrated into a single hybrid chip. When a voltage is applied to indium phosphide, light enters the silicon wafer's waveguide, producing a sustained laser beam that drives other silicon photonic devices.

3, and the photon chip is the use of light waves as the carrier of information transmission and data calculation, so there is no need for high-precision lithography machine, and the current level of China's lithography machine can also meet the basic needs. The materials used in the photonic chip, such as arsenic (shen) gallium (jia) and indium phosphide (yin), can make the photonic chip have higher speed data transmission and data processing capabilities, and have moreLow power consumption can effectively solve the problem of poor battery life of current electronic equipment.

Can photonic chips replace electronic chips

Photon chip sounds also quite cutting-edge, a little standing on the top of the technology inside the taste ~ but in fact, photon chip and electronic chip, as early as the 1980s has been born, although it is the twin brother of electronic chip, photon chip actually has higher talent than electronic chip.

Photonic Chip is a kind of realization based on photonics principleIntegrated circuit chips, which use photonic devices instead of traditional electronic devices, realize the processing, transmission and control of optical signals. Compared with traditional electronic chips, photonic chips have the advantages of higher speed, lower energy consumption and greater bandwidth, so they have a wide range of applications in high-speed communication, data center, optical fiber communication and other fields.

"In the field of logical computing, the future trend is the combination of photoelectric integration, and it will take a long time to achieve all-optical computing." "Generally speaking, photonic chips can replace electronic chips only in individual computing and transmission fields," Zhang said. Liu JunqiuIt can be seen from the architecture that the overall photonic chip system is very complex.

Quantum chip and photon chip transmission speed

1, quantum chips run 1,000 times faster than ordinary chips. According to physics textbooks, quantum chips can operate 1,000 times faster than normal chips. It's very fast. Quantum chip is to integrate quantum circuits on the substrate, and then carry the function of quantum information processing.

2, photonic chips also sound quite cutting-edge, a bit standing on the top of the technology inside the tasteBut in fact, photonic chips and electronic chips, as early as the 1980s has been born, although it is the twin brother of electronic chips, photonic chips actually have higher talent than electronic chips.

3, cannot be compared. Quantum and nano describe different aspects. Although there are words such as "light quantum", the concept of "quantum" itself is only a new model, mainly used to convey a "discrete" and "discontinuous" characteristics, unlike electrons, atoms and molecules, which have a specific real correspondence.

4, arsenic used in photonic chips (shenMaterials such as gallium oxide (jia) and indium phosphide (yin) can make photonic chips have higher speed data transmission and data processing capabilities, and have lower power consumption, which can effectively solve the problem of poor battery life of current electronic devices.