The Bluetooth headset battery is faulty. Bluetooth headset power consumption is generally not much, because it is mainly used for audio playback, audio power consumption is very li...

Why is the Bluetooth headset gone after a while?

The Bluetooth headset battery is faulty. Bluetooth headset power consumption is generally not much, because it is mainly used for audio playback, audio power consumption is very little.

Good performance Bluetooth headset, uninterrupted playback of songs for more than 20 hours. If the battery can only be used for 2 or 3 hours when it is fully charged, there is a problem with the Bluetooth headset battery. At this time, you can find a new battery after sale. If it is just purchased such problems, you can also find a seller to replace the new product or free maintenance.

Extended information:

Buy Bluetooth headset common sense:

First, pick the shape to see the work. As with the selection of other products, looking at the level of appearance, but also consider whether it is comfortable to wear, and whether it fits your face is also an important issue. Therefore, it is recommended to try on the Bluetooth headset before choosing.

Second, look at the sound quality. Headphones, most of the time is to listen to music and watch video, therefore, the sound quality of Bluetooth headphones is very important. And the sound quality here is not limited to music playback, it can also affect the quality of calls.

Third, look at the computer time. Most Bluetooth headsets use built-in batteries, so it also has an impact on the use time of Bluetooth headsets, and for power consumption, in terms of Bluetooth technology, the new Bluetooth 4.2 has lower power consumption, and has a strong guarantee for standby time.

Bluetooth headset maintenance method:

1, put the Bluetooth headset in the pocket or bag, first turn off the headset, avoid pressing the Bluetooth headset function key;

2, do not expose the Bluetooth headset to liquid or wet places;

3, do not use abrasive solvents to clean Bluetooth headphones;

4, do not place the Bluetooth headset in a very high temperature or very low place, the best storage environment is -10 degrees to 60 degrees, otherwise it will affect the service life of the Bluetooth headset;

5, do not expose the Bluetooth headset to the open flame to avoid the risk of explosion;

6, if the Bluetooth headset is not used for a long time, please ensure that it is placed in a dry place, if it is placed for more than one month, it should be charged on time to ensure the working performance of the battery and Bluetooth headset;

The reasons why Bluetooth headphones always automatically disconnect are:

1. The power is out

Bluetooth headphones are battery powered. If the battery is out of power or damaged, it will often disconnect automatically.

2, the interference source is too strong

Bluetooth headset is working at 2.4g frequency, this frequency also has wifi router, cordless phone and 2.4g mouse. These are relatively strong sources of interference.

3. The headphones are of poor quality

In particular, refurbished headphones, just bought normal, with a period of time out of the problem.

4. Bluetooth headset compatibility problem

Some Bluetooth headsets, used on other brands of mobile phones, sometimes automatically disconnect. It's a compatibility issue.

The charge is full or the battery is dead. Bluetooth headset how to charge choose the right charger. Generally, Bluetooth headsets have a dedicated charger, if there is no dedicated charger, you can find the charging interface (some are thin and round holes, some are MiniUSB universal interface) the same, and rated output power of the same charger to use. When charging, you should plug in all the plugs, not only more than half of them, so that the machine will be damaged for a long time. When inserting and removing the charging plug, it should be light, otherwise it will cause the plug to loose over a long time. If the Bluetooth headset is plugged into the base or charging box, the charging time is longer than that directly charged to the Bluetooth headset. The charging method is the same as charging the headset directly, and you can align the charging cable with the hole in the base and plug it in. When the charge is on, the red indicator lights up, indicating that it is being charged. If the charging is complete, the indicator will turn blue, and the charger can be removed. When charging the Bluetooth headset, try not to use the headset again to avoid accidental damage.