饭桌装无线充ichaiyang 2024-05-13 5:57 40
1, the clockwise order of toast, while their own cup lower than others.One's own glass is lower than the glass of others, this basic etiquette believes that as long as people who h...

The etiquette and order of toasting?

1, the clockwise order of toast, while their own cup lower than others.

One's own glass is lower than the glass of others, this basic etiquette believes that as long as people who have drunk wine are basically aware of it, in short, it is to show respect. Toast etiquette common sense of the order of toast, if and leaders or elders drink, start from the leadership or elders, one by one, general friends are more casual, if you pay attention to a little is in accordance with the direction of the moment.

2, such as leaders, elders drink each other, you can toast.

When the leader or elders are present, they should pay special attention to the principle that if they want to serve a dish, they should generally wait for the leader or elders to eat first, and then the younger generation will start to eat, which is the same in the toast. Common sense of toasting etiquette is generally to let the leadership or elders drink each other, they drink each other, and then the younger generation is filial piety, so this time is when you start toasting, do not give the leadership or elders a toast at the beginning, the first to give the leadership of the race: \"First do for respect, leadership please feel free\" this is not desirable.

3, leaders, elders can respect many people, you can not.

Leaders and elders are, after all, qualifications, age, experience is generally larger than our circle, but also the reason to become our leaders and elders, and therefore there will be some privileges, toast etiquette common sense the most basic one to remember: they can be a person all of you, can be one to more. But not your children, and you have to respect one another. Not until you're promoted to leadership. So don't be smart, I toast to everyone, sounds very good, in fact, not advisable.

4, observe the color, more help to add wine, timely toast.

At the wine table, it is very important to look at the four elephants and listen to all directions, and when I put the drinking needs of my leaders or elders, if you want to match the leaders or elders well. Toasts etiquette common sense is very important, simple, timely add wine for them, especially when the cup is empty, and then the order of adding wine should also pay attention to, first lead. In addition, in addition to the standard toast process, toast etiquette common sense should be at the appropriate time to toast, do not want to drink in the embarrassing scene of no one to respect, then you will be finished.

5, toast, toast Be sure to prepare the appropriate toast.

In addition to drinking a large amount of alcohol, can say, can say a good toast, is also very important. The most successful toast that can speak to the minds of leaders or elders is the one that makes them smile. Toasting etiquette common sense to put an end to and drink, that is you a person drinking behavior. If you don't have a lot of vocabulary, or your expression skills are not very good, you should do your homework before and simply memorize a few commonly used toasts, so that you can improvise and avoid embarrassing scenes of raising your glass.

Table and toast order

Under normal circumstances, the order should be based on age, position, guest and host status, and the order of toast must be fully considered before the toast, clear the primary and secondary, to avoid embarrassing situations. Even if you can't distinguish or position, status is not clear, you should toast in a unified order, such as starting to toast from your side clockwise, or from left to right, from right to left.

The manners of toasting are required

Toast is divided into formal toast and ordinary toast. At the beginning of the banquet, the host toasts everyone in a group and at the same time says a standard toast. This toast can be a little longer, but it should be delivered in less than five minutes.

Whether it is the host or the guests, if they are toasting the group in their seats, they are required to stand up first, with a smile on their face and a glass in their hand, facing everyone.

When the host toasts and makes a toast to the group, everyone should stop eating or drinking. When the host proposes a toast, everyone stands up with their glasses and touches each other. According to international practice, a toast does not have to be drunk dry. But even people who usually do not touch alcohol should also take a sip of the glass and pretend to show respect for the host.

Ladies at the wine table etiquette of drinking

(a) If you are sure you want to drink, don't put ink, then the rules are

Rule one: Although the wine table \"deep feelings, a dull; Shallow feelings, lick a lick \"but when drinking, never put this sentence on the mouth.

Rule two: bide your time, keep a low profile, and do not fill up on the wine table.

Rule three: Leaders drink to each other before it is their turn to respect.

Rule four: Many can respect one, but never one can respect many, unless you are a leader.

Rule five: respect others, if you do not clink glasses, how much you drink depends on the situation, such as the amount of alcohol the other side, the other side's drinking attitude, must not drink less than the other side, to know that it is their own respect.

Rule six: Respect others, if clinking glasses, a sentence, I drink, you at will, show big belly.

Rule seven: Your humble position, remember to add more wine to the leadership, do not blindly give the leadership wine, is to replace, but also in the leadership really want to find someone to replace, but also pretend that they want to drink because they want to drink rather than drink for the leadership. For example, leader A can't drink, you can stop people who are ready to respect leader A by insinuating.

Rule eight: Hold the glass (beer mug), choke the cup with your right hand, cushion the bottom with your left hand, and remember that your cup is always lower than others. If you are a leader, know the point, do not put too low, otherwise how to call the following man?

Rule nine: If there is no special person present, it is best to touch the wine in clockwise order, do not play favorites.

Rule 10: Clink glasses, toast, and say something, otherwise, why the fuck would I drink your wine?

Rule 11: Do not talk about business on the table, drink well, business is almost, everyone knows, otherwise people will not open to drink with you.

Rule 12: Do not pretend to be crooked, say the wrong thing, do the wrong thing, do not plead, conscious punishment is the hard truth.

Rule 13: If, purely if, there is not enough wine, the bottle is placed in the middle of the table, so that people can add themselves, do not go to a stupid garbage pour wine, or the people behind no wine how to do?

Rule # 14: There must be a dull glass of wine at the end, so don't leave your glass empty. You can't run away

Rule 15: Pay attention to don't gaffe after drinking, don't talk big, don't lose your temper, don't spit, chopstick, don't finger, drink soup Pupupu ring, don't fart burp, can't hold it to the toilet, no one stops you.

Rule 16: Don't say \"I don't drink\" (if you do), lest others call you hypocritical, whether you believe it or not, people can really tell whether they can drink.

Rule 17: The leader drinks with you, is to give you face, no matter how much the leader wants you to drink, do it first for respect, remember ah, hands, the cup should be low.

Rule 18: Peanuts are good for drinkers. Keep a clear mind, after drinking is indispensable, a cup of yogurt, a cup of hot water, a hot towel are you care.

1. Clinking glasses slightly lower than your elders.

2. The younger generation stands up to toast, the older generation sits down.

3. When the two sides are too far apart, the younger generation chooses to go to the elder to toast according to the situation.

4. Toast order: Depending on the specific situation, first respect the organizer, and then respect according to the generation, the rest of our family is used to respect from the grandfather's generation.

5. There are generally three types of objects for a single toast: elders, elders and their families, and elders of the same gender. But it depends on the members of your family.

6. Think about what you're going to say before you toast. It's best not to just say, \"Here's to you.\" It might be a little awkward.

7. Choose the right time to toast. Don't rush at people while they're eating (depending on the situation) or having a good conversation. It interrupts and is rude.