cm级无线充ichaiyang 2024-05-13 5:31 29
The use of an electric spray gun varies from gun to gun, but usually involves the following steps:Install the battery: Make sure the battery is properly installed and that the posi...

How to use electric spray gun?

The use of an electric spray gun varies from gun to gun, but usually involves the following steps:

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Install the battery: Make sure the battery is properly installed and that the positive end of the battery is facing the muzzle.

Check the Settings: Before starting to use, check that the mode and parameters are set correctly. This may include selecting the appropriate injection mode, adjusting the injection speed and pressure, etc.

Clean the muzzle: Before using the electric spray gun, be sure to clean the muzzle to ensure a good spray effect. Brush or air blow can be used to remove debris or dirt.

Loading material: As needed, the appropriate gas or liquid material is loaded into the gun. For gas injection, it is usually necessary to fill the gun with compressed gas and then set it to the desired injection mode.

Aim the gun at the target and adjust it as needed. Make sure the distance between the muzzle and the target is moderate to avoid over-spraying or wasting material.

Pull the trigger: As needed, press the trigger to release the material. Be careful not to press the trigger too hard or for a long time, so as not to damage the device or cause danger.

Turn off switch: After use, turn off the switch of the electric spray gun, and collect the remaining materials for proper disposal.

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It should be noted that the use of electric spray guns requires strict compliance with safety operating procedures to ensure the safety of themselves and others. Specific safety precautions and usage techniques may vary by model and manufacturer, so it is recommended to refer to the relevant manual or consult a professional for detailed guidance.

During the spraying process, the distance between the spray gun and the workpiece to be sprayed should always be consistent. In the process of running the gun, always keep the gun at a right Angle to the plane being sprayed, and ensure that the arm moves parallel to the surface of the workpiece being sprayed.

The moving speed of the spray gun should generally be maintained at a speed of 30-50 cm\/s for uniform movement