猫咪牌无线充ichaiyang 2024-05-13 5:17 31
The first reason: like you, say hello to youCats do not meow when they \"chat\" or \"talk\" to other cats. They only purr and spit to learn about each other and complete communicat...

Why do cats like to whine at you?

The first reason: like you, say hello to you

Cats do not meow when they \"chat\" or \"talk\" to other cats. They only purr and spit to learn about each other and complete communication with each other. Cats meow only when they are communicating with people. In other words, the cat is just saying hello to you when it meowing at you. Cats love you, when they see you, they will meow at you and greet you.

The second reason: too boring, want you to play with it

Don't look at the cat always jumping up and down, it looks like it can't be idle. In fact, they can be bored, and when they are bored, they will try to find something to do. If he sees you at this time, he will meow at you. Because it wants you to play with it. It's boring. If you find that your cat always runs in front of you, meows at you, and you go to other places, it will run in front of you and continue to meow, it means that it is very bored now, it wants you to play with it. If you have time, you can play with it with a pet stick, if you don't have time, you can give it a toy and let it play on its own.

The third reason: hungry, want you to give it food

In fact, the cat meows at you, it may also be hungry, it meows at you, just hope you can give it a little food. One might ask, how can you tell if a cat is hungry or bored? You just need to observe the cat's attitude towards you, if your cat has been chasing you, it means that it is bored and wants to play with you, if it calls at you a few times, and then runs to other places, to rummy the cupboard, it means that it is hungry. Because the cat's personality is high and cold, if it finds out that you have no food to give it, it will not follow your ass all the time.

The fourth reason: anger

When the cat is angry, it will always meow, if you find that the cat is angry, it will always cry, it is best to stay away from it, so as not to be scratched by it. When the cat is angry, in addition to barking, it will stare, bared teeth, and fried hair. We can judge the real reason for the cat's meowing according to the cat's situation.

Fifth reason: Heat is up

By the way, when the cat is in estrus, it will also keep meowing, and when it is in estrus, its mood will become particularly unstable, it will keep running at home, as if suffering from mental illness. If you find that your cat has been barking and running, you should understand that your cat is in estrus.

To act cute to you.

It shows that it likes, you are worth letting it rest assured, you are worth letting it rely on, the small soft cat is like his girlfriend, the voice of the girlfriend is not a coquettish?

And doesn't a coquettish cat poke you in the heart? You're willing to let go of anything you want, and cats are such lovely creatures. People and animals look at you in disorder and really want to cover their little hearts.

Kitten has been cutesy call, should be coquettish. The cat is very cute, you can understand its meaning from its bark. Cats are very intelligent. They know who treats them well.