猫咪牌无线充ichaiyang 2024-05-13 5:17 28
The current chargers are called fast charging, there are 18 watts fast charging, 33 watts fast charging, 66 watts fast charging, and 120 watts fast charging. Fast charge and fast c...

Good cat quick charge why half an hour full?

The current chargers are called fast charging, there are 18 watts fast charging, 33 watts fast charging, 66 watts fast charging, and 120 watts fast charging. Fast charge and fast charge is not the same, good cat fast charge time is half an hour? If the instructions say it will take an hour to fully charge, he will never be fully charged in half an hour. You can find a good cat fast charge after-sales service to ask. The current fast charge of 120 watts takes only 15 minutes to full.