无线充苹果选项ichaiyang 2024-05-13 4:37 24
1. After the Apple phone is fully charged, it will show 100% electricity on the phone screen.2, you can also open the display battery percentage on the phone, so that you can direc...

How to set Apple charging instructions?

1. After the Apple phone is fully charged, it will show 100% electricity on the phone screen.

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2, you can also open the display battery percentage on the phone, so that you can directly see the battery percentage on the phone, so that you know how much power is charged.

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3, click on the phone to set - general - usage - battery percentage, turn on the function, then the battery icon on the screen of the phone will appear in front of the percentage, so it is very convenient to check the battery of the phone how much is left, and you can see how much percentage when charging.

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1, in Apple's official website can learn some information about the battery, for the iPhone, after the completion of 500 charging cycles, it can still maintain 80% of the battery power.

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2, some friends may have doubts at this time, when we connect the battery to charge the iPhone for one minute or ten minutes, is it a complete charging cycle, is it a power supply even if it is a charge? A complete charging cycle is calculated in this way, for example, after we used the phone yesterday, there is still 50% of the electricity, and then connected to the power supply, and today, when we used 50% of the electricity, and the phone is fully charged, the second charge adds up to 100% charging cycle, and can be counted as a complete charging cycle. So there is no need to charge the phone after the battery is used up, and it can be charged as it is used.

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What is the proper temperature for an iPhone battery

1, Apple's mobile phone is a lithium battery, its best working temperature is between 16° and 22°. Therefore, if you want to protect the mobile phone battery, you can't let it be at too high a temperature, otherwise it will easily lead to permanent damage to the battery

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2, I know a lot of small partners like to wear a protective case for their mobile phones, because when charging, the battery itself will generate a lot of heat, if the shell heat dissipation is not good, the heat will not go out, resulting in the overall temperature of the mobile phone, affecting the battery life. Therefore, it is recommended to remove the shell for the phone when charging, and put it on a table or other object that is easy to dissipate heat.

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3, in addition, here is a small partner for those who like to play games on the mobile phone, it is recommended that when charging the mobile phone, do not play some large 3D games. Because when playing games, the internal chip is running at high speed, the heat is very large, coupled with the heat of the rechargeable battery itself, it is easy to cause the overall temperature to rise.

1. Make sure your iPhone has been upgraded to iOS14 or later.

3, open the \"Shortcut Instructions\" APP on the desktop, click the plus sign in the upper right corner, and then click \"Add Action\".

Pull to the bottom of the page, select \"Charger\

Click \"Encode\" in the script box and change it to \"Decode\".