小米无线充原封ichaiyang 2024-05-13 4:37 19
practice1, buy a dozen fresh bracken back, and then the old stem to remove, at the same time the top of the bracken flowers to remove, this part of the flowers do not remove will h...

How to fry bracken?


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1, buy a dozen fresh bracken back, and then the old stem to remove, at the same time the top of the bracken flowers to remove, this part of the flowers do not remove will have bitter, but also affect the taste of the bracken, and then wash the bracken clean, if there is rice water with rice water wash the best;

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2, heat a pot of hot water, when the water boils, put the bracken into the blanch, blanch soft can start the pot;

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3, bracken soak in cold water, ice water is the best at home, soak for 1 to 2 hours.

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4, soak in cold water bracken out, and then put on the cutting board cut into small pieces, cut two pieces of ginger, peel two garlic heads set aside;

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5, the pot of oil, such as hot oil into a little salt, ginger slices and garlic burst fragrance, into the cut bracken fire stir fry for a while, you can put 1 spoon of green red wine, 2 teaspoons of white sugar and cut millet pepper stir evenly can be out of the pot.

Steps are as follows.

1, bracken clean, select into small segments; Rinse with cold water and let dry.

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2. Thinly slice bacon into a pot, add a small amount of water, simmer until bacon begins to oil, put aside.

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3. Put a small amount of oil in the wok, add ginger and scallions, stir fry the aroma, and then add cured meat, light soy sauce, and dried chili.

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4. Add bracken, stir quickly over high heat, season with salt and serve.

Ingredients: Bracken, chilli sauce, oyster sauce, light soy sauce, vinegar, salt, sugar, garlic, cooking oil, MSG

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Method: Slice garlic for use, wash bracken, add an appropriate amount of water into the pot to boil, bracken into the pot blanched for five minutes, then remove, rinse under cool water, after soaking cut for use.

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Make a juice with chili sauce, oyster sauce, light soy sauce, vinegar, salt and sugar.

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Add appropriate amount of cooking oil into the pot and heat up, add garlic slices and stir until fragrant, add the cut bracken segment, add the adjusted sauce, stir fry evenly, cook slightly, add salt and monosodium glutamate to taste and then plate.

Steps are as follows.

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1. Wash the bracken and put it in a boiling pot for 1 minute, then remove it and soak it in cold water. This will help remove toxins from the bracken.

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2. Shred the tenderloin in a bowl, add a little salt, oyster sauce, ginger, cooking wine, marinate for 10 minutes.

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3. Cut the bracken into segments

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4. Shred ginger and garlic and set aside.

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5. Put oil in a wok, heat up to 60% and pour in the marinated shredded meat. Fry until the meat turns white, remove and set aside.

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6. Reserve oil in wok, add ginger and garlic and fry until fragrant.

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7. Stir in the bracken and add salt. Then pour in the fried shredded meat, add some chicken powder and serve.

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Doing it this way brings out the flavour of the bracken.

main ingredient

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250g bracken, 120g pork belly, 80g sauerkraut

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Appropriate amount of green pepper, red pepper, two cloves of garlic, salt

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Appropriate amount of soy sauce, cooking wine, chicken essence, water starch

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Stir-fried bracken steps

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1. Boil bracken in boiling water and then use clear water to clean and astringent bracken.

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2. Clean and cut into segments.

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3. Cut the stem of sauerkraut into sections, shredded green and red pepper, minced garlic, and sliced pork belly.

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4. Stir-fry the pork belly first.

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5. Add garlic until fragrant.

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6. Add sauerkraut and stir.

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7. Finally, pour in the bracken and stir.

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8. Add salt, soy sauce and cooking wine to taste.

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9. Add enough water, cover and simmer for 5 minutes.

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10. Remove lid and add green and red pepper.

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11. Finally put the water, starch and juice, sprinkle some chicken essence to finish.


& # 39; 1. After soaking bracken in rice washing water, boil together with rice washing water;
2. After cooling intact, wash with cold boiling water and continue to soak with cold boiling water;
3. When the stem is smooth, remove and squeeze the water, and cut the stem about 5 cm long (if it is fresh buds, wash it directly, cut it);
4. Remove the onion roots, wash and cut into shreds; Garlic peel garlic clothes and pound into garlic paste;
5. Stir-fry chopped bracken in sesame oil; 6. Add onion, garlic, salt, soy sauce, stir fry, then pour 100 grams of pork rib soup;
7. When cooked, add the fried sesame salt and let cool.

How to fry bracken?

Play the final wash, it is best to let go of the water pot hot, and then put garlic in the pot, you can put some bacon in the pot fried, the flavor of bacon and garlic aroma fried out, finally put the bracken into the pot stir together, and then put some salt, a little light soy sauce and sugar to eat spicy, you can put some pepper stir it, so the fried dish is the most delicious