山西手机无线充ichaiyang 2024-05-13 4:15 20
Agreed. The hard sleeping compartment of train z277 can charge mobile phones.The z277 train runs west from Beijing to Yinchuan. At present, all types of trains in our country are e...

Can the z277 hard sleeper be charged?

Agreed. The hard sleeping compartment of train z277 can charge mobile phones.

The z277 train runs west from Beijing to Yinchuan. At present, all types of trains in our country are equipped with standards to install charging sockets for trains, and this problem has been effectively solved. The hard-seat car of the train has three charging sockets in the aisle for passengers to charge small power appliances such as mobile phones and computers. The train, which is operated by the Yinchuan passenger section of Lanzhou Railway Bureau, will travel 1,226 kilometers through Beijing, Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi and Ningxia provinces.