山西手机无线充ichaiyang 2024-05-13 4:15 29
influential\"Due to Typhoon Dosuri, the province will see rain from April 29 to 31.\" Zhao Jianfeng introduced, because the cyclone northward, the eastern part of Shanxi has obviou...

Does Du Suri have any influence on Shanxi?


\"Due to Typhoon Dosuri, the province will see rain from April 29 to 31.\" Zhao Jianfeng introduced, because the cyclone northward, the eastern part of Shanxi has obvious rainfall. The rainfall was long lasting and heavy. In the next three days, the rain in our province will be seen every day, and some areas will be strengthened with local heavy rain, heavy rain, and accompanied by short-term strong precipitation, thunderstorms and strong convection weather.

Shanxi Provincial meteorological Observatory issued a blue rainstorm warning at 15:06 on July 28, warning areas: Jinzhong, Linfen, Yuncheng, Changzhi and Jincheng. It is expected that in the next 12 hours, the warning area will have a maximum heavy rain of 30 mm\/hour or more.

July 29 day to night: cloudy days in the province, some parts of the north and most parts of the central and southern areas have small to moderate rain, some parts of the central and southern areas have moderate to heavy rain, local areas have heavy rain, and accompanied by short-term strong precipitation and other strong convection weather;

July 30 day to night: the province overcast, there are small to moderate rain, eastern parts of the large to heavy rain, local areas have heavy rain, and accompanied by short-term strong precipitation and other strong convection weather;

July 31: Overcast in the province, with showers or light rain in most areas, moderate to heavy rain in most parts of the north, and heavy rain in some areas;

August 1: The province overcast to cloudy, with showers or light rain, northern parts of the moderate rain.

Du Suri had an important influence on Shanxi. As a famous Chinese actress, her works have high visibility and influence in Shanxi and even the whole country. Her film works and stage performances have attracted a large audience and made positive contributions to the cultural and artistic undertakings in Shanxi.

In addition, Du Suri also actively participates in public welfare activities, pays attention to social issues, and provides support and help for social development and public welfare undertakings in Shanxi.

Her influence is not only limited to the entertainment circle, but also extends to all fields of society, and has played a positive role in promoting the development and image building of Shanxi.

No impact, because Shanxi has Taihang Mountain to block the typhoon

Typhoon Dusuri is passing through the Philippines, Taiwan, Fujian, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Shanghai are affected. 2023 No. 5 Typhoon \"Du Suri\" may enter the South China Sea around 25 days, and then close to the coast of Guangdong. Because the subtropical high is also very unstable, it also leads to great variables in the typhoon path, and the future typhoon Du Suri may also tend to Fujian, Taiwan, Zhejiang and other places in China, and even does not rule out the northern path of China's eastern coast.

I do. Looking at the satellite cloud map, Typhoon Du Suri landed from Fujian, rushed north to the west direction, the force can reach the central and southern parts of North China, will bring a lot of rain to these areas, it is estimated that the central and southern parts of Shanxi Province must have moderate to heavy rain, drought relief, autumn grain harvest is expected.