Beidou chip concept stock code is:1. Hualitong 300045: Focusing on the field of satellite navigation applications, the company has core competitiveness in the terminal equipment, s...

Beidou chip listed company stock code?

Beidou chip concept stock code is:

1. Hualitong 300045: Focusing on the field of satellite navigation applications, the company has core competitiveness in the terminal equipment, system integration, software development and operation services of the Beidou satellite navigation industry chain.

2. Obit 300053: The company is mainly engaged in the field of satellite navigation and location services, with a complete satellite navigation industry chain, providing a full range of products such as chips, boards, antennas, terminals and operation services.

3. Core Technology 300101: The company focuses on Beidou navigation, satellite communication, inertial navigation and other high-end chips and application fields, with a complete chip, board, antenna, terminal and test and verification platform.

4. Infront Micro 000670: The company is a leading military electronics enterprise in China, with core competitiveness in the fields of Beidou navigation, satellite communication, inertial navigation, etc.

5. Newei Technology 300456: The company is mainly engaged in the development of high-end products in military electronics, satellite navigation communication and other fields, and is one of the leading satellite navigation product manufacturers in China.

6. Zhonghaida 300177: The company is a leading satellite navigation product manufacturer and service provider in China, with core competitiveness in satellite navigation, hydrology testing, UAV aerial survey and other fields.

7. Shenglu Technology 002446: The company is a leading satellite navigation product manufacturer and service provider in China, with core competitiveness in satellite navigation, hydrology testing, UAV aerial survey and other fields.

In addition, there are BDstar 002151, Beidou navigation industry chain related stocks such as Northern navigation, China Satellite and so on. The stock symbol list is not fully updated, for more information, please move to the website.

There is no definite conclusion. Because Beidou chip is a national strategic industry, many companies in China have businesses involved in this field, and the stock code also varies from company to company.
If you want to study the stock code of the company where Beidou chip is located, you need to first determine the name of the specific company. But it is certain that the Beidou chip market has a broad prospect, and the development of related enterprises has also attracted much attention.