无线充自己断ichaiyang 2024-05-13 3:09 45
First, my personal feeling it is the reason for the charger interface, we must clean up the charger interface when charging, and then try to be able to charge it, if it is able to...

Cell phone charging stop for a while what is going on?

First, my personal feeling it is the reason for the charger interface, we must clean up the charger interface when charging, and then try to be able to charge it, if it is able to charge it is because of this reason, if it is still not charged, it is the line of the charger is broken, so we can not see outside the metal line is broken inside do not know, It will happen this way, we need to replace a new data cable so that we can solve the problem.

Second, there are a lot of reasons, maybe the charger problem, maybe the mobile phone problem, the most important thing is to check your mobile phone is not a problem, you must listen to professional personnel to see the mobile phone, so that your mobile phone can be used longer life, if you open the mobile phone is not to see, and will cause damage to the parts inside. This is not worth the loss.

Third, if the charger wire is not good, then we can change some new data cable to use, if there will still be this reason, then we have to change the interface of the phone, the interface is not particularly expensive, there are more than ten dollars or dozens of dollars, we must change the original when we want to change, do not change the kind of store recommended to you, Because they recommend the worst.

When using a mobile phone, if there is a problem, you must go to a professional mobile phone repair shop. Now the mobile phone is commonly used, for the problem on the mobile phone is also people know do not know, for the charger problem we are particularly understand, and can use the charger correctly, when using the mobile phone, if there is a problem you must go to the professional repair mobile phone shop repair mobile phone is the most correct choice.

1, the plug output voltage is not enough: this is determined according to the charging principle, it must be high voltage flow to low voltage, the mobile phone is generally 3.7V, produce high voltage flow to low voltage, charging.

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2, the data cable or charging head is in poor contact, you can check whether the data cable or charging head is loose or damaged, check the phone charging interface, the power supply is intact, can replace the power supply.

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3. If there is a problem with the hardware in the phone, it is recommended to take the phone to the after-sales service center for testing and maintenance.

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4, data cable or charging head problems: replace the data cable and charging head try, it is recommended to take the phone to the factory maintenance point for testing.

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5, mobile phone charging port has foreign bodies, corrosion, dirt, liquid, etc., it is recommended to clean up.

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6, non-standard charger and data cable may be incompatible with the mobile phone, resulting in inability to charge, it is recommended to replace the standard charger data cable.

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7, affected by the ambient temperature, low temperature may affect the charging, it is recommended to charge in the temperature between 0℃~35℃ environment

This may be due to the poor contact between your mobile phone charging jack and the mobile phone charger, it may be that your jack has a problem, it may be that the mobile phone charger has a problem, you can replace a charger to try, if not, you will take the phone to the after-sales service to repair and replace the mobile phone jack to solve the problem. It is also possible that the phone charger does not match the phone.

There are several situations in which this phenomenon may occur:

1) The phone is almost full, the power bank detects that the output current is relatively small, it will cut off the output;

2) Power bank output protection, power bank output circuit, data cable or mobile phone interface short circuit, power bank output protection, cut off the output;

3) The battery circuit of the mobile phone is damaged, and the charging bank cannot detect the output and sleeps;

4) The output power of the charging treasure is not up to standard, the difference between the output of the inferior charging treasure and the input power required by the mobile phone is too large, and the power management circuit of the mobile phone cuts off the charging;


1) Clean the power bank outlet and mobile phone charging interface to ensure that there is no foreign matter inside;

2) Use the original charger and data cable to charge the phone, if the phone is abnormal charging, then replace a good data cable and test again, if the charging is normal, it is the data cable problem; If the data line is still abnormal, it is a mobile phone problem, it is recommended to repair the mobile phone;

3) Use the original charger and data cable to charge the mobile phone. If the mobile phone is charged normally, then use this data cable to connect the charging bank to charge it. If the mobile phone is charged abnormally, it is a charging bank problem.