无线充自己断ichaiyang 2024-05-13 3:09 42
The reasons and solutions are as follows:1. Battery leakageBattery leakage, mainly during the use of the battery, the electrolyte overflow from the inside, there are three common p...

No. 9 electric vehicle charging how to solve the power cut?

The reasons and solutions are as follows:

1. Battery leakage

Battery leakage, mainly during the use of the battery, the electrolyte overflow from the inside, there are three common parts that may leak: one: the cover plate joint;

Two: pole and color glue joint;

Three: the joint between the upper cover and the bottom groove. How to determine whether the battery is really leaking, the only way is to charge detection, the specific steps are as follows:

(1) Trim the battery

(2) Wipe the battery surface

(3) Charge the battery directly and check the charging result

Once the leak is found, clean up the area with a knife, glue the leak with the battery special glue, and then replace the battery with a new one.

2, air switch trip

If the electric car does not move halfway, the air switch should be checked in time. The air switch is easy to trip, if it does trip, push it on.

3. Brake power failure problem

The signal source of the brake power failure is formed by collecting the brake switch action, if the brake switch is stagnant or fails, it will cause the vehicle to have electricity and can not go, you can try to brake the car several times, and then normal driving.

4. The power signal system is faulty

Nowadays, in order to pursue intelligence and high-end, many electric vehicles are equipped with burglar alarms and keyless driving functions. The main problem in the power signal is the burglar alarm. The functions of electric vehicles are more and more, which can easily lead to complex lines and poor contact. If the electric door lock is damaged and the controller electric door lock signal line is in poor contact, open the keyless driving function of the anti-theft device.

5. The controller is faulty

The \"racing car\" function on the controller is to adjust the output of the controller through the electric door lock, which can directly short-circuit the two wires of the controller, the power cord (thick red line) and the power signal line (thin red line).

6. The wiring of the controller is faulty

If the cables at the controller cables are loose or poorly bonded, insert or tighten each cable.

7. The transfer or transfer line is faulty

Check the switch plug of the controller, the color of the controller wire is generally red, gray and black, or red, green and black, of which the gray or green wire is the output signal line of the switch, the red line can be directly connected to the power line, if the switch or the switch line is faulty, at this time the motor can run at the highest speed.

8. The fuse is faulty

If the fuse and the two lines of stamping parts are removed badly, or the vehicle has a short circuit problem, it will cause the fuse to blow. You can remove the battery box and open the cover to check whether the fuse is disconnected or short-circuited.

9. Battery wiring or battery plug problem

If the vehicle is out of power (through the air switch or fuse inspection), it is likely that the battery cable or battery plug is in poor contact or disconnected, try to pull the wire or plug connector by hand, or re-fix it one by one.

The sudden power failure of the electric vehicle during driving is mainly caused by poor contact of the power supply line of the battery power supply.

2, the electric car in the process of driving due to vibration will lead to poor contact of the power supply line, then you can check the fuse and connector, if the electric car power has been on, there may be a problem with the wiring inside the brake handle, repeatedly pinch or loosen the brake handle to see if the brake can return to normal, if it can return to normal, it is the brake