无线充自己断ichaiyang 2024-05-13 3:08 24
When the battery is fully charged, the phone or charger of the lithium battery will automatically stop, and there is no so-called \"trickle\" charging of the nickel charger for 10...

Why is the phone automatically disconnected and then automatically charged?

When the battery is fully charged, the phone or charger of the lithium battery will automatically stop, and there is no so-called \"trickle\" charging of the nickel charger for 10 hours. That is to say, if your lithium battery is fully charged, put it in the charger white also charge. We cannot guarantee that the characteristics and quality of the protection circuit will not change the foolproof battery charge and discharge, so your battery will be at the edge of danger for a long time.

In addition, in some mobile phones over a certain period of time to charge more fees, if you do not take off the charger, then not only do not stop charging, will also start the discharge - charging cycle. Perhaps the manufacturer of this practice has its own purpose, but it is obviously detrimental to the life of the battery and the phone\/charger. At the same time, long charging takes a long time, usually at night, and in the case of the grid, see many places at night is high voltage, but also volatile. As already mentioned, lithium-ion batteries are very delicate and have much less charge and discharge capacity than fluctuating nickel resistance, thus posing additional risks.

The cause of disconnection may be:

1: The charger is in poor contact.

2: The power supply voltage is unstable.

3: The phone charging port is not good. Solution: 1. Wipe the charging plug and try it again. Replace the charging cable if there is a problem. 2. Confirm whether the voltage is stable. I can't control that. Charge only when the voltage is stable. 3, the mobile phone jack is damaged, to the repair shop to replace the mobile phone jack.