宜家三充无线ichaiyang 2024-05-13 2:47 16
I will answer this professionally, and by the way, you will follow the professionals to learn to choose silk quilt.First, to clear up a few myths,1, the filling is pressed silk is...

Why is IKEA silk expensive?

I will answer this professionally, and by the way, you will follow the professionals to learn to choose silk quilt.

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First, to clear up a few myths,

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1, the filling is pressed silk is not good.

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2, the price of silk is determined by the amount of filling

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3, the filling is double palace silk is definitely worse than mulberry silk

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4, mulberry silk silk is definitely good

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5, only look at the filler, do not look at the material used.

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6, the price of thousands of silk quilt and hundreds of silk quilt is not much different.

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1, the filling is pressed silk is not good

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The so-called pressed silkworm is a specialty of the northeast, especially around Dalian, a kind of wild silkworm, not the same as silkworm artificial silkworm, so the production is very small, the market wholesale price is 600,000 tons or 600 kilograms, really use pure pressed silk to make you a quilt, no matter a few pounds retail at least thousands of.

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2, the price of silk is determined by the amount of filling.

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In fact, the most important factor in the price of silk is to see whether the filling is short silk or long silk, if it is short silk, to put it bluntly, whether mulberry silk, double palace silk or pressed silk, the raw materials are leftovers, and the price of several hundred will be done. Charging you a grand is blackmail. If it's a filament, then at least 1,000 is not too much.

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3, the silk quilt of double palace silk is worse than that of mulberry silk.

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The so-called double palace means that there are two silkworm pupae inside the cocoon, which is a deformed cocoon. It is indeed much cheaper than mulberry silk 10 years ago, but the double palace silk must be reeled manually, unlike mulberry silk which is reeled mechanically and reeling with fresh cocoons, so the output is getting smaller and smaller now. The price is now about the same as mulberry silk.

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4, the silk quilt of mulberry silk is certainly good.

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Mulberry silk is now a market price of 430 kg, but the problem is that it is impossible to take this 3\/4A silk to make a quilt for you, and it is not practical, such expensive mulberry silk is more than enough to do high-end fashion, and then up 5\/6A that is the top fabric, Hermes silk scarves are generally only 5A. So it is generally the worst quality can not do the fabric to make your quilt. In many cases, the only silk in the stuffing can not reach the marked weight, and it is often filled with cotton wool, so you can see whether the stuffing is 100% silk and the price is related.

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5, only look at the filling, do not look at the material and work of the quilt surface.

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Of course, the best material for quilt surface is silk jacquard satin quilt surface, plus silk filling, which is the true sense of silk quilt, breathable, smooth, natural comfort. But only if you can afford it. A bed of pure silk and also have to be smooth crepe satin plain embroidery, the fabric is 100 per meter, plus artificial, the quilt surface is 1000, plus filament filling, retail charge you 3000 is a conscience price. Followed by pure cotton quilt surface, followed by chemical fiber quilt surface. Chemical fiber quilt you do not buy, the stuffing inside basically can not see, this kind of silk quilt is not as honest to buy quilts. Considering the cost performance, that is pure cotton quilt lengthened silk filling, this general 1000 is almost.

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6, the price of thousands of silk quilt and hundreds of silk quilt essence is not much different

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There is no doubt that the real silk quilt belongs to the luxury category, in my opinion, more than 3000 silk is considered to be the real silk quilt, this silk quilt can reflect a variety of excellent characteristics, so that you can feel that it is indeed a penny for the goods, too comfortable. But because the public's acceptance of silk is far from enough, manufacturers have been trying various ways to open the mass market. This is also the reason why there are various prices on the market, even 2-300 silk quilts. Many times, the name of silk quilt has become a gimmick, the price is less than 1000 really I advise you to buy quilts. In my opinion, silk quilts must take the luxury route to ensure quality, and take the public route to reduce costs. Although it is true that more people know this product at the beginning, in the long run, everyone has spent money on the name of silk quilts, whether it is hundreds or thousands, but the result does not feel any obvious difference from ordinary quilts. On the contrary, it will feel that silk is nothing more than the price of this product, and it does not have much meaning.

Because first, the quality is good, the softness of silk is relatively good, second, the cost is high, and the price of silk itself is relatively expensive.

Silk quilt itself is also a kind of green health care products, it contains 18 kinds of essential amino acids and natural porous protein fiber components, can very well regulate the blood circulation and metabolism of the human body in sleep, enhance the vitality of skin cells. This Ciyun 100% silkworm filament quilt is made of high quality Double palace cocoon silkworm filament and 100% full twill fabric to make a \"silk mask\" for your skin. A thin and thick child and mother quilt, can be combined or used alone, warm your year round. Pure manual positioning, so that it can be used for a long time without shifting.

In addition to the role of silk itself, the reason why silk is expensive is that its raw materials and labor costs are high. Good silk through sericulture, spinning cocoon, emergence, chaos, selection, boiling, stripping, blowing, carding and other complex processes, and sericulture staff is not many, raw material producers will be few, so the production of silk is less, silk is particularly precious.

Ikea silk is expensive for the following reasons:

1. The reason why IKEA silk is expensive is that the raw material of mulberry silk is precious

2. What's more, the silk quilt has a relatively large effect on people, and the silk quilt is basically handmade, and the labor cost is quite expensive. 3. The use of 100% mulberry silk silk quilt, the price must be expensive, Sissimei silk is made of 100% mulberry silk, the price is relatively reasonable.