无线充电充少ichaiyang 2024-05-08 20:00 15
You can operate for the following reasons:1. When the customer uses the mobile phone terminal to close the data connection, the mobile phone will not automatically connect to the I...

Turn off the data connection and use the wireless network to surf the Internet, why the phone's own traffic is still lost?

You can operate for the following reasons:

1. When the customer uses the mobile phone terminal to close the data connection, the mobile phone will not automatically connect to the Internet under normal circumstances, but it is not ruled out that some of the built-in software of the cottage mobile phone or the mobile phone virus will cause the mobile phone to automatically restore the Internet connection, so that the mobile phone will generate Internet traffic when it connects to the Internet. In fact, after the \"data connection\" is closed through the mobile phone terminal operation, the mobile phone SIM card still has the Internet function, such as the SIM card is placed on other mobile phones with Internet access functions and the data connection Settings are not closed.

2, because wifi is a wireless local area network, the signal penetration ability is weak, can not achieve continuous coverage, in the case of signal interruption, the user does not know, the mobile phone will automatically switch to 2G or 3G network, it may also cause the user to mistake the mobile phone to use wifi network, but generate Internet traffic costs. It is recommended that users turn off the 2G or 3G network before using wifi Internet access.

3, turn off automatic update: for international roaming or do not use GPRS, in order to avoid smart phone terminal software automatic connection to access the network, close the Internet connection and mobile phone software link network Settings, as far as possible to reduce the automatic update of mobile phone terminal software traffic.

4. Purchase terminals and download software through formal channels: It is recommended that customers purchase mobile terminals through formal channels and download and use relevant application software through formal channels.

5, choose the right GPRS package: consumers according to the actual use of demand, choose the right GPRS package.