无线充电开机充ichaiyang 2024-05-13 2:20 32
Small degree WIFI setup startup steps:1. First, go to Xiaodu official website to download Xiaodu Wifi driver, and install the driver.2. After the driver is installed, prompt you to...

How to set small degree wifi startup?

Small degree WIFI setup startup steps:

1. First, go to Xiaodu official website to download Xiaodu Wifi driver, and install the driver.

2. After the driver is installed, prompt you to insert a small Wifi setting.

3. Follow the prompts to insert the low degree Wifi, and the device will be automatically identified.

4. After the driver is installed, the Wifi account and password will be displayed, which will be used for the connection operation of other Wifi devices.

5. Then use your existing device, such as a mobile phone, to turn on the WLAN switch and search for a small degree Wifi signal from the search list.

6. Finally, click on the corresponding connection, enter the small Wifi account and password to connect, and then you can surf the Internet normally.