无线充电开机充ichaiyang 2024-05-13 2:20 20
I don't know if you have such a habit with new mobile phones. Just bought a mobile phone, will play video games all left, and even wait for the phone to automatically shut down aft...

Is the newly bought mobile phone good to be powered off or powered on?

I don't know if you have such a habit with new mobile phones. Just bought a mobile phone, will play video games all left, and even wait for the phone to automatically shut down after charging. Then, when you charge your phone, it stays on for 12 hours before being unplugged. If you ask them why they do this, some of them may say that they think it allows the phone battery to release more potential. In fact, this is the previous product in the use of nickel-metal hydride battery with memory effect, people think that this charge can also be applied to the current mobile phone battery, so it will be so charged. But in fact, now the mobile phone is already lithium battery, there is no need to charge like this.

People have another concern when charging, is the phone boot charging good? Should I turn it off and charge it? Everyone has a different explanation, more people think that it is better to shut down and charge, because it can ensure that the charging voltage is stable, reduce power loss, and let the phone charge faster. Some people think that it is good to start charging, because it can exercise the durability of the battery. But in fact, as long as the mobile phone uses a genuine battery, the effect of charging off and charging on is the same, that is, there is no difference. How's that?? The answer is surprising.

Nowadays, mobile phone batteries are lithium batteries, and the charging technology has been very mature, as long as the use of genuine charging equipment, there will be little charging voltage instability. Although there are some background software running when charging, these running software are directly obtained from the power supply, not through the battery. Therefore, when the battery is charged, the battery is normally charged, but there is a premise here, that is, when the battery is charged, it can not do large power consumption, such as making phone calls or playing games.

Some people will ask, since the boot charging can not exercise the durability of the mobile phone battery, how to improve the durability of the mobile phone battery? If you want your mobile phone battery to last longer, you should start with daily use of your mobile phone.

The first point is to choose a qualified charger produced by a regular manufacturer. We often see news reports that mobile phones burst into flames while charging, mostly due to the use of unqualified chargers, which will cause the phone to overheat when charging, and then damage the battery, and even explode. Second, try not to use your phone when charging it. Because this makes the phone body temperature rise, which indirectly affects the battery life. Third, don't charge your phone when it's dead. Because the phone has no electricity, recharging will reduce the internal activity of the battery, thus affecting the service life. It can be recharged when the phone has less than 30% power left, and after being fully charged, the charger can be directly disconnected, and overcharging will also lead to shorter battery life. Above is the whole content of this article, everyone in the usual use of mobile phones to arrange time reasonably, do not play too much.

Actually, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter! Look at the user's own needs. And no matter what kind of charging method will have no effect on the battery, after all, the current mobile phone has a very accurate adjustment of the battery charging threshold!

1. If you want to completely do not disturb, just shut down and charge!

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2. If there is an important call or push, turn on and charge.

If it does not affect you, of course, it is good to shut down and charge, and shut down and charge completely in the state of not working faster. Of course, charging on the phone is not harmful. It might get a little hot. A mobile phone is a consumable and a new one will have an old one. There's no need to worry so much about it. If you really take special care of it, as long as you do not play while charging, there is nothing to hinder the charging of power on and off.

It's 202 years old, and the question of how to charge it is still a question?

In ancient times, in fact, this problem does not need to think, it must be good to shut down and charge, this way is equivalent to directly charging the battery, simple and the safest. Boot charging, and even some charging while playing games, this battery is in an unstable current and temperature environment, relatively speaking, there are some safety risks.

However, regarding battery safety, China's standard for battery safety is actually much higher than the international standard, and even some slightly violent squeeze torture is generally no problem.

In fact, if the temperature is higher, it is slightly squeezed and prone to explosion; Then the battery really is the bomb!

The news of various battery explosions seen on the news, most of them are caused by the use of three no products, various burns and explosions. Don't argue or there will be normal use explosion. You can't walk without killing yourself.

At present, the maximum charging power of China's mobile phone battery has reached 65W, we all know that the greater the charging power means the greater the risk, but this also confirms that in fact, the safety of the battery is no longer a matter.


Charging off is just as good as charging on.

It is okay to turn on\/off to charge, but try not to operate the phone when it is turned on. It is recommended to keep the normal standby state for charging.

1. Don't overdischarge. When the device prompts \"low power\

2. Don't overcharge. Unplug the charger when fully indicated. Today's chargers are generally designed to be filled with self-stopping batteries. It is okay not to remove the battery from the charger for a short period of time, but it is okay to leave the battery on the charger for a long time. When the grid voltage rises in the middle of the night, the charger that has stopped charging will continue to charge after the voltage rises, resulting in overcharging of the battery. This affects battery life.

3. If the battery is not used for a long time, it should be charged to 60%, stored in a cool and dry place, and charged every 4 or 5 months

Have done mobile phone repair, this question I will answer!

First of all the answer to this question is there is any difference between the two! That is to say, the state of the battery is not very different when the new phone is turned on or off to charge! Or the state of the battery is the same at this time!

This is because when the phone is charging, the current at the charger end will be divided into two parts, one of which is to supply the battery to charge, and the other part is to supply the electricity demand of the phone itself! The following picture can simply explain the current distribution principle!

And the problem you raised is very similar to the nickel-cobalt battery in previous years, but now there is no need to charge after the battery is exhausted, or the mobile phone must be fully charged and then used, or the mobile phone battery regularly carries out a complete current cycle! These considerations for battery use are simply not needed at this point in time. Because the current lithium battery is already a very advanced battery, it has no memory efficiency, so it can be charged at will, and the charging condition of less food and more meals can also be perfectly applied!

I hope this answer is helpful to you, thank you for your understanding!

Invited to answer industry questions.

In the past, when buying a mobile phone, the business hall would always say how long the phone should be turned off after the hand, which also misled many users, in fact, there is no need for today's mobile phone to operate like this.

The newly bought mobile phone is powered on to charge, or powered off to charge, in fact, there is nothing good, the only difference is that the speed of powered off charging will be faster.

Smart phone charging principle.

Now our smart phone charging, in the entire charging circuit, the lithium-ion battery and the phone itself belong to the parallel, unified by the charger for power supply.

Part of the current of the charger will supply the normal use of the phone, and the other part of the current will be used to charge the lithium-ion battery. It should be noted that when the phone is charging, the phone itself does not apply the battery power. Only when the mobile phone application occupies too much resources, the current provided by the charger is not enough to use the phone, the battery will stop charging and supply power to the phone together with the charger. In this case, even if the charger is plugged in, we will find that the battery power is also declining.

The difference between power-on charging and power-off charging is only the change in the size of the lithium-ion battery charging current. Because after shutting down, the phone itself has no power consumption, so the current to charge the lithium-ion battery is the full current provided by the charger, so the charging speed can be faster, in fact, this is the difference.

Lithium-ion batteries, also known as rocking chair batteries. It works on the principle that the process of charge and discharge is the process of lithium ions moving back and forth between the positive and negative electrodes.

Lithium-ion battery charging, lithium ions from the positive electrode, through the electrolyte embedded in the negative electrode, the more lithium ions embedded in the negative electrode, the more sufficient battery power. The process of lithium-ion battery discharge, that is, lithium ions are removed from the negative electrode, move through the electrolyte to the positive electrode, and return to the process of embedding the positive electrode, the less lithium ions are embedded in the negative electrode, the lower the battery power.

Therefore, there will be no charger to charge lithium-ion batteries, lithium-ion batteries will charge while discharging the problem, that is, the boot charging itself will not harm the battery.

The behavior that hurts the battery is playing games and other large applications, and the reason is that the temperature is too high.

Lithium-ion battery charging is worth a normal range. Generally speaking, the normal temperature range of lithium-ion battery charging is 0-45 degrees. If we turn on and charge at the same time, play resource-consuming mobile phone games or similar operations, resulting in the mobile phone began to heat up. And these heat will be transmitted to the mobile phone battery, making the temperature of the mobile phone battery increase, which will cause harm to the lithium-ion battery.

Therefore, do not play mobile phone games when charging, the general normal application as long as the phone does not feel heat, will not affect the battery.

The current lithium-ion battery, in daily applications to keep shallow charge shallow, with charge, so that the battery power to maintain a more reasonable range of differences, can also extend the service life of lithium-ion battery.

All in all, the new mobile phone, charging is turned on or off, in fact, there is not much difference, but it is some difference in charging time, and the speed of charging off will be faster. However, it should be noted that whether it is a new phone or an old phone, try not to play games when charging, and playing games when the phone is charging will cause the phone to heat up, which will hurt the lithium-ion battery.

The above personal opinions are welcome to criticize and correct. Like can pay attention to me, thank you!

Agree with my view, please click \"like\" and go, thanks again!

I just want to ask, what decade are you living in?

Entering the Internet era, computers and mobile phones are becoming more and more popular. From the \"Economic Operation of the Communications Industry in May 2018\" released by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the total number of phone users of China's three major operators has reached 1.43 billion, almost a mobile phone. Compared with bulky computers, mobile phones have become something that everyone carries with them. But in the process of use, we inevitably have to charge the phone, so in the end is it better to turn off the charge or turn on the charge? A lot of people think wrong!

The vast majority of people will feel that it is good to shut down and charge, because there will be current and instability when charging on the phone, and the phone will have the risk of overheating. And in everyone's subconscious mind, it will feel that shutting down and charging can completely avoid radiation. But this idea is wrong, as long as there is electricity, the phone will produce radiation, unless you are not in the room, in order to avoid the effect of mobile phone radiation. Wrong, but there are benefits to switching off and charging. First of all, we will not pick up the mobile phone to play games, you should know that while charging while playing the game will make the load of the mobile phone suddenly increase, the voltage of the mobile phone will be instantly higher than the usual many times, which will cause damage to the mobile phone parts, serious will cause the mobile phone battery explosion, affecting personal safety. Second, turning the phone off to charge will give the battery a better \"rest.\" We listened to the advice that we can not play games and make phone calls when charging, and we complied, so in the case that the power has not been charged much, we unplug the power many times, which will reduce the life of the mobile phone battery because of multi-frequency and short time charge and discharge. Because the service life of the battery is calculated according to the charge and discharge cycle, in general, the performance of the mobile phone battery will begin to decay after 500 full charge and discharge times, and playing the mobile phone in the charging diagram, and then plugging in the power to charge, will shorten the battery life faster. But now, because of the progress of science and technology, the difference between charging mobile phones off and charging them on is not too big. Because when charging, the output power of the mobile phone charger is certainly greater than the operating power of the mobile phone, as long as it is not called and played games when charging. Perhaps the only difference is that there will be some programs running in the background when the phone is turned on, and mobile phone users may need to pay more electricity. Like everyone is worried about the \"charge and discharge\" problem during the startup of the mobile phone, which is also overly worried. When charging, the phone will choose to get power from the charger, and will not get power from the phone battery, provided that the user does not play with the phone to increase the consumption. Although there is no difference between mobile phone startup charging and shutdown charging, we should pay attention to several points when charging. First, the problem of playing with mobile phones when charging has been mentioned above, and the second is to pay attention to whether the mobile phone charger is regular, the quality of some mobile phone chargers is worrying, and it does not meet the power requirements when charging, which is a potential safety hazard. Third, do not wait until the phone battery is less than 30% to charge the phone, keeping the phone battery between 40% and 80% is the best choice. After all, mobile phone batteries are used lithium-ion batteries, and deep discharge will reduce the internal activity of the battery. The previous will run out of electricity and then charge is the nickel battery, we do not enter the misunderstanding. Fourth, if you do not use Bluetooth, GPS, NFC, WiFi and other functions when charging, you can turn them off. About the mobile phone is to turn on the charging or off the charging problem, everyone has a certain understanding, in the future in the process of charging as long as to avoid dangerous situations, to minimize the risk. However, in the end, Xiaobian still hopes that you do not hold your mobile phone around all day, spend more time with your family, more outdoor sports with friends, and exercise your body, which is the right thing to do. Although the mobile phone makes our life more convenient, but it is only a tool, don't let it become the whole life.

Power-on charging and power-off charging have no effect on the phone's battery and the phone itself. What affects the battery life of the phone is how many full charges and discharges, not when it is powered off or when it is powered on. Due to the working principle of the power management module of the mobile phone itself, it will not affect the service life of the mobile phone itself because of the startup or shutdown charging. Therefore, turning on or off the phone to charge has no effect on the phone, you can choose according to your own habits.

Here I analyze from the mobile phone battery and the mobile phone itself why it has no effect on the mobile phone when it is turned off or charged:

1, mobile phone battery:

What affects the battery life of mobile phones is the number of full charge and discharge, and a complete charge and discharge cycle is that the battery is charged to 100% and then used to the remaining 0%, so according to this theory, shutting down or starting up charging will not affect the battery life.

Expand knowledge: the remaining 20% of the battery should be charged in time, and the charge can be disconnected when the power is charged to 95%, which can extend the service life of the mobile phone battery. To achieve this requirement, it is necessary to use fragmented time to charge the mobile phone, if the conditions do not allow it, do not be too reluctant, under normal circumstances, the mobile phone battery for 2 to 3 years is no problem.

2, the mobile phone itself:

The mobile phone has its own power management chip, which can control the charging process. Simply put, when the battery power reaches 100%, it will automatically disconnect the charging, and when the battery power is less than 100%, it will turn on the automatic charging. The power management chip also has over current high temperature protection function, which can fully protect the phone to avoid damage during charging. The power management chip will work whether it is on or off charging, so on and off charging has no effect on the phone itself.

It doesn't matter. Turn it off and charge it.

Hello, Sir, this is your new mobile phone, when you use it, you must turn it off, and then charge it for 12 hours before use, the first three times need to do this. I think I've heard the same kind of reminder when I bought a phone a few years ago.

Above is a nickel-cadmium battery

But in fact, this method is for the memory effect is more obvious nickel-cadmium battery charging method, each nickel-cadmium battery in the case of no discharge, due to acute material problems caused by crystallization, and the power gradually reduced, so in the use of nickel-cadmium battery electrical appliances, charging need to follow the above method of operation. But in fact, very early on, mobile phones have used lithium batteries.

The lithium battery does not have the memory effect of nickel-cadmium battery, lithium battery is not only dense, light weight, small size, but also can be used with the charge, does not need strict charging time limits, on the contrary, from the battery more afraid of overdischarge, that is to say, it is not good for the lithium battery, but now the lithium battery itself is protected by a plate, so under normal circumstances, It is impossible for you to use up the electricity in the lithium battery, you only need to charge when there is no electricity, and unplug the charger when something happens.