无线充线圈信息ichaiyang 2024-05-13 1:03 26
Charging coil winding for electric toothbrushes is usually designed and manufactured by professional engineers and requires specific technical knowledge and experience. The followi...

Electric toothbrush charging coil winding?

Charging coil winding for electric toothbrushes is usually designed and manufactured by professional engineers and requires specific technical knowledge and experience. The following is the basic principle of the general electric toothbrush charging coil:

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1. Coil material selection: Generally use copper wire or aluminum wire with good electrical conductivity as coil material, because they have good electrical conductivity and toughness.

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2. Coil shape design: The shape and size of the coil will be designed according to the charging needs of the electric toothbrush, usually using a simple coil shape, such as spiral, circle and so on.

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3. Number of turns and turn spacing: The number of turns and turn spacing of the coil closely affect the charging effect and power transmission efficiency. In the design, engineers need to determine the appropriate number and turn spacing according to the battery capacity, charging voltage and design requirements of the electric toothbrush.

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4. Magnetic field generation: When the coil is energized, a magnetic field is generated, which interacts with the magnetic field of the electric toothbrush charging base to achieve wireless charging. This method is called electromagnetic induction charging.

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It should be noted that the winding of the electric toothbrush charging coil requires professional knowledge and equipment, and non-professionals do not recommend DIY production. If the charging coil needs to be replaced or repaired, it is recommended to consult a professional electronic repair technician or contact the electric toothbrush manufacturer for repair or replacement.

1. Spiral winding method: also known as cylinder winding method, suitable for inductors with long winding length, gradually wound layer by layer, and appropriate gaps should be maintained between each layer for nesting.

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2. Hanging winding method: also known as vertical winding method, wire diameter is relatively large, high winding position is often used as a winding method, simple and easy, coil weight has less impact on quality.

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3. Conventional winding method: also known as horizontal winding method, winding vortex has less influence, compact structure, smooth coil surface, suitable for small size and high quality inductors.