无线充线圈信息ichaiyang 2024-05-13 1:03 32
canIn theory, wireless charging technology is safe and harmless to the human body, the resonance principle used by wireless charging is magnetic field resonance, which is only tran...

Can charging wireless coils transmit data?


In theory, wireless charging technology is safe and harmless to the human body, the resonance principle used by wireless charging is magnetic field resonance, which is only transmitted between wireless charging coils resonating at the same frequency, and other devices cannot accept the band, in addition, the magnetic field used by wireless charging technology is itself harmless to the human body.

But wireless charging technology is a new type of charging technology, to the wireless charger of Maiyuan technology, many people will worry that wireless charging technology will be like the original Wi-Fi and mobile phone mast just appeared, in fact, the technology itself is harmless