1, Who knows about microRNA chips, microRNA sequencing and basesBecause of the difference in the expression profile chip, more specific... 2, What are the advantages and disadvan...

The difference between chip data and sequencing data (What is the difference between chip and sequencing?)

Who knows the difference between microRNA chips, microRNA sequencing and gene expression profile chips?

1. Hello! These three concepts are different. miRNA chips and gene chips are used to screen differential genes, and the small Rnas detected are fixed and limited. MIRNA sequencing belongs to the high-throughput sequencing category, which is used to obtain all detectable micRnas of the studied species. Hope to help you, hope to adopt.

2. The detection principle of miRNA chip is that the total RNA sample is labeled with Cy-3, and then hybridized with miRNA chip, and the miRNA in the sample is calculated by scanning the intensity of green light signal on the chipTo understand which mirnas in the sample have abnormal expression levels.

3, who knows the difference between microRNA chips, microRNA sequencing and gene expression profile chips, to be specific, thank you microRNA chips and gene expression profile chips are chips. Chip refers to the method of hybridizing samples to the chip by fluorescent staining, and judging the expression difference by the brightness difference of each point.

4, according to the different types of DNA points on the carrier, gene chips can be divided into oligonucleotide and cDNA chips. According to the use of gene chips can be divided into tablesSpectrum chip, diagnostic chip, fingerprint chip, sequencing chip, toxicology chip and so on.

5. Compared with traditional chips, transcriptome sequencing can detect the transcriptome of any cell type of any species without the need to design a probe in advance. It can provide more accurate digital signals, higher detection throughput and wider detection range, and is a powerful tool for in-depth study of transcriptome complexity.

6, normalized microRNA chip using the normalization method is quantile normalization, loess noComplete gene sequencing to predict the likelihood of developing a variety of diseases, individual behavior characteristics and rational behavior. Gene sequencing technology can target individual diseased genes, prevent and treat them in advance.

3, the principle of the gene chip is base pairing. The sample is hybridized by one or more nucleic acid probes labeled with known sequence, and the sample sequence can be determined by detecting the hybridization result. The advantage is that a large number of samples can be analyzed at one time, but the disadvantage is that it is easy to appear false positive. The principle of gene sequencing is the dideoxy chain termination method, using the instrument to determine a DNA sequence, the advantage is that the accuracy is high, there is no false positive, but the flux is slightly lower.

4. The second generation sequencing test is slightly better than gene chip in the detection rate of existing diseases (clinical), but it is very time-consuming and laborious. For more information on chromosome microarray analysis and second generation sequencing applications, consult Hypros.

Difference between chromosome microarray analysis and second-generation sequencing applications

1, the application is different: because it is nucleic acid hybridization, it does not need amplification. Therefore, the gene chip is a relatively closed system, can only detect the concentration of fragments whose sequence is known; In additionBecause there is no need for amplification, the fidelity is also good.

2, the technical cost is expensive and complex; The detection sensitivity is low; Poor repeatability; The analytical range was narrow. Gene sequencing, a new type of genetic testing technology, can analyze and determine the complete sequence of genes from blood or saliva to predict the likelihood of developing a variety of diseases, individual behavior characteristics and rational behavior.

3, the first generation sequencing: refers to the dideoxy end termination method, the sequence is read by capillary electrophoresis after amplification, and the amount of data obtained each time is small.

4, the advantage of second-generation sequencing is that compared with first-generation sequencing, the cost is greatly reduced and the cost is maintainedHigh accuracy and dramatically reduced sequencing time, reducing a human genome from three years to less than a week. The disadvantage is that the sequence reading length is much shorter than that of the first generation sequencing technology.