Pubg esports stores usually have the following items: 1. Pubg Game disc or digital download code: This is the base item of the game, and players need to own the game in order to pa...

Pubg gaming mall items?

Pubg esports stores usually have the following items:
1. Pubg Game disc or digital download code: This is the base item of the game, and players need to own the game in order to participate in esports tournaments. 2. Peripherals: Stores usually offer a variety of peripherals related to PUBG, such as T-shirts, hats, backpacks, etc. 3. E-sports equipment: The mall will also provide a variety of e-sports equipment, such as high-performance gaming mouse, keyboard, headphones, etc., which can improve the game experience and competitive performance of players. 4. Virtual items: In PUBG games, players can use virtual currency to buy virtual items, such as clothing, weapon skins, etc., and the mall usually provides purchase channels for these virtual items.
5. Game tickets: The mall may sell PUBG esports game tickets, players can buy tickets to watch the game site, feel the esports atmosphere. 6. Team-related items: The mall will also sell items related to the PUBG esports team, such as team clothing, accessories, etc., to support their favorite teams.
These items can usually be purchased on PUBG's official website or partner e-commerce platforms. Please note that when purchasing items, pay attention to confirm the formality and official cooperation of the mall to avoid being cheated.

The items inside the esports mall are new skins introduced for each international competition.