1, riscv chip which listed companies 2, Domestic good riscv company 3, Look at Risc from Zhaoyi innovation MCU-V possibility of replacing Arm 4, Teamhead CPU framework upgrade,...

riscv chip companies (riscv chip companies)

What are the listed companies of riscv chips

Beijing Junzheng (300223), the latest share price of 736 yuan, the total market value of 371.8 billion: for the deputy director of China RISC-V industrial alliance unit, the company launched based on RISC-V frameStructure of CPU development.

Zhaosong Technology: an innovator in Wuhan, focusing on the development of RISC-V underlying software, deep professional accumulation enables intelligent industrial Internet of Things. Pingtou Brother (member of Ali Group) : Explore the boundary between quantum chips and embedded chips, the goal is to build an intelligent connected platform, and the product roadmap has been planned in 2019.

The good company to do riscv in China has core Technology; Huami Technology, etc. The company is a kind of enterprise organization form which ADAPTS to the needs of socialized mass production in the market economy.

Jingxin Technology N22/N25F/D25F/N45/D45 series. Jingxin Technology Co., Ltd. was established in 2005 in the Silicon Guide Bamboo Research and Development Center in Hsinchu Science Park, Taiwan, and is fully engaged in the design and development of 32/64 bit embedded processors with innovative architecture and high performance/low power consumption and corresponding system chip development platform.

As early as 2017, Samsung has carried out the first RISC-V core chip flow, according to the conventional semiconductor industry, it is speculated that Samsung in RISC-V research and development may begin to lay out as early as 2015, showing its long-term strategic planning.

Good company to do riscv in China

Core News: RISC-V industry leader in China, RISC-V recently announced a series of major collaborations to work with multiple open source communities at home and abroad to accelerate the growth of the RISC-V ecosystem.

The company is very good. Advanced Space is a start-up company, mainly committed to promoting the technical development of RISCV architecture, providing high-performance RISCV processor core, high-performance chips, core software system innovation and research and development.

A good public to do riscv in ChinaThe first universal microcontroller (MCU) based on RISC-V, a device aimed at the Internet of Things (IoT) market. Headquartered in Beijing, Zhaoyi Innovation is one of the largest non-volatile memory (NVM) manufacturers in China.

RISC-V advantages RISC-V is fully open source and free, allowing any user to freely modify, extend, and ARM needs to pay high IP fees to use.

On August 22, Zhaoyi Innovation, a leading semiconductor supplier, officially released GigaDevice based on RISThe GD32V series of 32-bit general purpose MCU products with C-V core provide complete toolchain support from chip to program code base, development kit, design scheme, etc., and continue to build RISC-V development ecology.

At present, many domestic manufacturers such as Pingtou Brother, Zhaoyi Innovation, Huami, Lexin, Xinlai, Galanz and other manufacturers have launched chips based on RISC-V architecture, in addition, Huawei is also actively developing chips based on RISC-V architecture.

Recently, Zhaoyi Innovation, a leading semiconductor supplier, officially launched the world's first RISC-based productV Core's GD32V series of 32-bit general-purpose MCU products provide a complete toolchain and continue to build the RISC-V development ecosystem.

In fact, as early as 2013, Zhaoyi Innovation launched the first 32-bit MCU based on the Arm Cortex-M3 kernel. In 2019, Zhayi launched the world's first general purpose MCU based on risc-V core, the GD32V series.

Flathead Brother CPU architecture upgrade, join hands with RIsc-v Foundation promotes ecological "core" development

Conclusion: Ali Pingtou recently released a processor named Xuantie 907, which is optimized based on the open source RISC-V architecture, showing the characteristics of high performance and low power consumption, and has been successfully licensed to a number of enterprises. As an important enabler of RISC-V ecology, Flathead's layout demonstrates the advantages of the architecture in the AIoT space.

In the field of high-performance computing and artificial intelligence chips, Ali Pingtou Brother has emerged with a series of innovative products, of which the black iron and light series are particularly eye-catching. The xuanThe Iron 810 processor and the optical 800-NPU accelerator have chosen the RISC-V architecture, leading the forefront of technology. It has to be said that in terms of architectural design, the flathead brother has a very keen sense of smell and is very visionary. In order to get more innovation and breakthroughs in the chip field, Flathead Brother chose to bypass Intel and ARM at the beginning of its establishment, and based on RISC-V model chip design.

Conclusion: Ali Flat head Brother launched the industry's strongest 16-core RISC-V processor Xuantie 910, challenging X86 architecture with the chip mode.Inaugurate innovation in the post-Moore's Law era.

Semiconductor open source architecture RISC-V rise, Huawei, Ali and other Chinese enterprises actively participate

Global TMT March 16, 2022 news) In the field of semiconductor development, "RISC-V" is rising. RISC-V is one of the instruction set architectures (ISAs) that define the basic specifications of semiconductors and was developed by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, starting in 2010. RISC-V's biggest advantageIt's completely free and open source.

The RISC-V architecture was invented by the Americans, but it does not belong to any particular country. The architecture originated in 2010 at the University of California, Berkeley, and was developed by a team led by Professor Krste Asanovi.

RISC-V, as an open-source fifth-generation reduced instruction set architecture, with the pioneering work of the University of California, Berkeley in 2010, because of its low cost, modular and adaptable to the needs of the Internet of Things, provides a strong starting point for the independent development of China's chip industry.

is not the only challenge to Intel's x86 architecture. If Arm architecture rises in the PC era to the turning point of the mobile computing era, the Internet of Things era is the soil for RISC-V growth.

RISC-V architecture was invented by the United States, but does not belong to any countryHome. RISC-V architecture originated in 2010 at the University of California, Berkeley, when Professor KrsteAsanovi wanted to develop an open source computer system and did not consider using X86 architecture because ARM's licensing fees were too high.

What happened to Ali's crew head now

Good. Ali Pingtou brother has basically completed the mainstream operating system and RISC-V adaptation. Global RISC-V chip shipments exceeded 10 billion, half of which came from ChinaEight RISC-V chips were distributed.

The way to break the game of Pingtou Brother/As a wholly-owned semiconductor chip subsidiary of Ali Group, Pingtou Brother has been showing its strength with its computing chips such as Yitian 710 and Hanguang 800 at the beginning of its establishment in 2018.

Back to Flathead. It is said that there are many internal departures. Lack of confidence after independence. Originally, everyone was looking at Alibaba's fame. Despite recent signs of decline, starving camels are bigger than horses.

In addition, Ali Pingtou brother has also made breakthroughs in the field of AI chips, including light 800 AI pushThe release of the chip marks the company's further improvement in high-performance chip technology. These initiatives show that Ali Pingtou Brother continues to invest in the field of chip design and is committed to promoting technological progress and the prosperity of industrial ecology.

The design, packaging, testing and other links of the optical 800 chip have been completed, and the flow chip has passed once. Now it is in the process of adaptation and verification with the business side. It is expected that the process of adaptation and verification of the main business side can be completed by the end of this year.