1, Bruker a (Germany automatic rapid mass spectrometry system.2, Merieux (France automatic microbial mass spectrometry system.3. Yixin Bochuangyi (Beijing time-of-flight mass sp...

What are the brands of high voltage mass spectrometer?

1, Bruker a (Germany) automatic rapid mass spectrometry system.

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2, Merieux (France) automatic microbial mass spectrometry system.

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3. Yixin Bochuangyi (Beijing) time-of-flight mass spectrometry System.

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4, Celdi (Huzhou) liquid chip time-of-flight mass spectrometry system.

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5, Yicheng Murdi (Hangzhou) liquid chip time-of-flight mass spectrometry system.

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6. Antu Biology-Henan time-of-flight mass spectrometry system.

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7, Rongzhi Bio-1 (Shandong) Matrix assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometer.

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8, Hexin mass spectrometry (Guangzhou) Matrix assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometer.

High pressure mass spectrometer is a kind of high performance mass spectrometry instrument, which is often used in biomedicine, chemical analysis, environmental monitoring and other fields. At present, the more well-known brands on the market include Thermo Fisher Scientific, Agilent Technologies, Waters, Bruker, Shimadzu and so on. These brands of high-voltage mass spectrometers have excellent performance in performance, stability and application fields, and have been widely recognized and applied.

When consumers buy high-voltage mass spectrometers, they can choose their own brands and models according to their own experimental requirements and budgets.