无线充比线充慢ichaiyang 2024-05-12 22:12 55
Due to the high ambient temperature, the mobile phone is charged slowly when it is hot. During the charging process, the temperature of the phone will change to a certain extent, e...

Why does realmeq2 charge slowly?

Due to the high ambient temperature, the mobile phone is charged slowly when it is hot. During the charging process, the temperature of the phone will change to a certain extent, especially when the phone is charging, it also runs some high-power programs, which will make the temperature rise significantly, which will lead to slow charging.

Or when charging while using slow charging, charging while using the phone will cause the temperature of the phone to rise, and due to the thermal protection mechanism of the phone, the charging speed will be further slowed down. It is best to use the original charger, what is the problem can let the after-sales test.

Realme Q2 can be slow to charge for a variety of reasons, the most common of which is the use of a low-power charger or data cable, or the presence of too many background applications inside the phone, resulting in slow charging. In addition, if the phone battery is aging or there are other hardware problems, it may also cause the charging speed to slow down. To solve this problem, it is recommended to use the original charger and data cable, close unnecessary background applications, or consider replacing the phone battery or repairing the phone hardware.

There may be many reasons for the slow charging of the realme Q2, such as insufficient charger power, loose charging cables, problems with the phone system, etc. If your phone is charging slowly, you can try the following:

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1. Replace high-power charger and data cable;

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2. Turn off the phone screen or place the phone in a position with good heat dissipation;

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3. Clean up the junk files and cache inside the mobile phone;

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4. Upgrade the mobile phone system to the latest version.

There may be many reasons why realme q2 charges slowly, here are some possible reasons:

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1. The mobile phone is charged while in use. Part of the input current of the charger needs to offset the electricity consumed by the mobile phone hardware such as the screen when in use, resulting in a decrease in the current to charge the battery and a slow charging speed.  

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2. The phone is charged in a high temperature environment.

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3. The phone is charged at a low temperature.

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4. Slow charging at high power.

Check whether the charger and charging cable are original, or check whether the charger and charging cable are damaged

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Check the charging port for foreign objects or dust, if any, clean up in time

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If the above reasons are excluded, please go to the official designated maintenance after sale for inspection and maintenance