Word group stamping Related example sentence1. Hydraulic pressure, such as good use, can be converted into a huge thrust, which is often used in the industry to promote forgi...

Second grade Chinese word formation?

Word group stamping

  Related example sentence

1. Hydraulic pressure, such as good use, can be converted into a huge thrust, which is often used in the industry to promote forging, stamping, extrusion and other machinery.

2. This machine can punch out 30,000 coins a day.

Word formation is an impulse.

make sentences

I advise you to sit on the sidelines, do not be impulsive, so as not to disturb the situation.

I had a lot of blood, and I went in on an impulse.

He restrained his indescribable impulse to deny and inquire.

Second grade word formation, such as:

Impulsivity [CHNG dong] A psychological phenomenon in which feelings are particularly strong and rational control is weak.

A violent impact by a strong current or other force.

Rinse [CHNG x] with water to remove the attachment.

xing CHre CHre ng status word. Describes being in high spirits.

qi CHNG CHNG status word. Describes being very angry.