analysis of causes1. Upgrade the router firmware to try, millet things, do not upgrade should be sub-healthy.2. Disable router encryption.3. If only the iPhone cannot be connected,...

Apple mobile phone can not connect to Xiaomi router why?

analysis of causes

1. Upgrade the router firmware to try, millet things, do not upgrade should be sub-healthy.

2. Disable router encryption.

3. If only the iPhone cannot be connected, the router has a compatibility problem.

A Router, also known as a Gateway device, is used to connect multiple logically separate networks, the so-called logical network represents a separate network or a subnet. When data is transferred from one subnet to another, it can be done through the router's routing function.

It should be OK. In this case, the router should set a limit on the number of people who can access it or restrict the phone Internet. Just lift it. The Settings page (mainly find the two items pointed by the thick blue arrows) refer to the following: