The advantages are:1. The network deployment speed is fast and no complex configuration is required.2. The network is stable. The failure of any node does not affect the data trans...

Advantages and Disadvantages of Huawei Router mesh Networking?

The advantages are:

1. The network deployment speed is fast and no complex configuration is required.

2. The network is stable. The failure of any node does not affect the data transmission of other devices.

3. The network coverage is large, and the network coverage can be expanded by adding nodes.

the drawback is

1. Delay: Because each forwarding requires a certain delay, the delay is larger after multiple forwarding. Of course, wired mesh does not.

2. Network capacity: Because the mesh network has forwarding, the rate will be reduced after each forwarding, so the number of nodes in each network needs to be limited, so the number of nodes should not be too much.