快充无线充头通用ichaiyang 2024-05-12 21:09 44
10w wireless fast charge rated power is 10 watts, when the 10 watt wireless fast charge matching charging head to charge the mobile phone, the rated power of the charging head used...

10W wireless fast charge with what charging head?

10w wireless fast charge rated power is 10 watts, when the 10 watt wireless fast charge matching charging head to charge the mobile phone, the rated power of the charging head used is greater than the rated power of 10 wireless fast charge, between 12 and 15 watts can be used, so the 10 watt wireless fast charge should be equipped with a charging head between 12 and 15 watts, but not more than 15 watts.

10W wireless fast charge with 5V and 2A charging head. Junior high school physics formula, power = voltage times current, I need to support this answer?