车载无线充跟直充ichaiyang 2024-05-12 20:59 29
Because the current limit of the car charger is not compatible with the mobile phone, the current of the mobile phone battery is disturbed and the sound cannot be produced normall...

Mobile phone plug-in car charge how mobile phone navigation has no sound?

Because the current limit of the car charger is not compatible with the mobile phone, the current of the mobile phone battery is disturbed and the sound cannot be produced normally. You can fully discharge, with the standard charger full, restart the machine is estimated to be good, pay attention to the purchase of genuine accessories, look at the parameters.

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The car charger uses the car cigarette lighter as a power outlet to charge the phone directly. Since the voltage provided by the car is low, only overload protection circuits are needed inside the car charger. The front end of the car charger socket is designed with a safety tube, and when the current exceeds the acceptable range of the overload protection circuit, the fuse is immediately blown and plays a protective role.

Note: It must be charged when the car engine is started. Regarding the car charger, there are the following precautions:

Do not use the car charger in a humid environment.

Do not store the car charger in a humid environment.

The appropriate temperature for use is 0-45℃.

Keep away from children.

Avoid lightning strikes.

After charging, pull out the plug in time.

Therefore, for safety considerations, we must buy regular brands, buy genuine products, poor quality products are prone to security risks. Car charger is also divided into direct charge and seat charge two kinds.

You can choose to buy a charger, that is, remove the battery to charge, to avoid the phenomenon that the mobile phone is burned due to the instability of the vehicle power supply and the sudden high voltage output peak, and to burn the battery to reduce losses.