oneThe software error occurs in the operation of the WiFi router. It is recommended to power off the WiFi router and restart it.twothreeLog in to the web background of the WiFi rou...

Apple xwifi signal is weak, search wifi less?


The software error occurs in the operation of the WiFi router. It is recommended to power off the WiFi router and restart it.



Log in to the web background of the WiFi router to check whether the configuration of the WiFi router is correct or whether the configuration of the WiFi router is lost for some reasons, so that the WiFi signal cannot be found.


Check the WiFi router configuration, whether the WiFi name (SSID) broadcast function is disabled, so that the WiFi signal cannot be searched;

Should be the mobile phone in the area did not open a lot of Wi-Fi caused, it is also recommended to restore the network factory Settings to try.