1, Is there a website to check the chip function and datasheet 2, Is there a website specifically inquiring about domestic chip alternatives? 3, See screen printing reverse chec...

Chip screen check which website is better (electronic chip screen check)

Is there a website to check chip function and datasheet

Core Check this professional software, with its comprehensive features for electronics engineers and industry enthusiasts to provide great convenience. It is not only dedicated to the query of chip information, but also includesThe free download of datasheet allows you to obtain the most accurate technical data at any time.

Huaqiang Electronic network road Heshun big data chip factory official website Hello, you can Baidu more than three platforms can query the domestic chip factory and chip information.

can search the detailed chip Chinese parameter table. Or some query website, such as: Datasheet is carefully created by the home appliance maintenance data network datasheet channel, to provide you with a comprehensive and professional IC component query andChip replacement site?

1, Huaqiang electronic network road Heshun big data chip factory official website Hello, you can Baidu more than three platforms can query the domestic chip factory and chip information.

2, as long as the parameters are right, the basic can be replaced with some tools or URL query, many websites can achieve parameter search, such as: core network can query alternative models.

3, chip replacement material means new materials to replace. Chip material development to a certain stage of performance can not meet the needs of scientific and technological development, the need for new materials to replace, whichIt's the chip.

4, special electronic components of domestic alternative query APP- core check APP. According to the electronic component model one key search, you can find, very convenient.

5, you have to list the model, and now some chips have been replaced by domestic.

See screen printing reverse check components?

Looking at screen printing, it is not possible to determine the model of the specific component product. The product quality of this component manufacturer is so unreliable, the key is that the product generally has a nameplate. Like Hongyan HYB6 series components, on the product can be very clearly written brand, parameters and other information.

Screen printing can be seen through the core check app this software to find components, I have checked the data on this before really much.

Screen printing is generally a section of identification on the component, you can find the model code of the component, I have used the core check effect is good. The type of most materials can be found. This article to share the end, I hope to help you.

Which electronic component query software app is best?

I feel the core check app is the best to use, there are a lot of information and very detailed explanation, I have learned a lot of knowledge after downloading.

Electronics Home (electronic components information query) is a professional electrical and electronic components related information query App, suitable for electrical and electronic students and staff to use, to classify various electronic components.

Core check this platform of various electronic components of the parameters or quite a lot, you want to buy can first check on this, check can also be directly in the core check mall to buy.

Core checkI think so. It has the function of checking components and models. In addition to these, it also has the function of checking alternatives, checking schemes, checking prices, checking enterprises, etc., which is very powerful.

It can be found with the core check app, which is a complete set of electronic information industry data launched by the domestic component distributor CLP Port.

Check the app with the core can oh, I am now doing this related work often to check some electronic components of the information, it is very convenient to check on this.

According to the chip on the circuit boardScreen printing can not find relevant information

The reason why the chip on the circuit board has no words is that it has been refurbished and polished. According to the relevant public information, the circuit board manufacturers prevent other manufacturers from copying their own brand of circuit board design, and the handwriting of the circuit board chip will be refurbished and polished off, which is a way to protect property rights.

Screen printing is the use of screen printing technology to produce printed circuit boards. Screen printing is worth screen printing layer, when drawing pcb is layered, which contains the text of the layer, used to mark the components or add other information, this layer is called screen printing layer.

First of allDo two positioning holes on the circuit diagram (not only on the circuit board), but also do two screen screens of the solder resistance (green oil) diagram and the character (white oil) diagram. Solder resistance diagram need to find UV ink business shop, general amateurs can not do.

The screen print above is not the model of the device, so it can not be found directly. But it is certain that this is a DC-DC chip, look at the package and PIN pin signal connection, it is very likely to be sy8089, even if not, you can use it to replace.