1, [Autobots] Japan's export controls hit the ground, the auto industry says it's cool 2. What will the What kind of phone does 90nm lithography make? 3. What is a lithography m...

What chip does 90nm lithography machine produce (90nm lithography machine 28nm chip)

[Autobots] Japan's export controls fall, auto industry says calm

1, China's automotive industry can wait for the maturity of the local chip supply chain, and its process will not affect the pace of industrial upgrading. On January 27, the "United States, Japan and the Netherlands" reached an agreement in Washington to expand the scope of chip export control to China. 2, this time the movement is relatively large, there may be two reasons: first, the control of the industry is more concerned about chip manufacturing, which is the current Sino-US BoA key link of chess; Second, Japan's move is the implementation of the "United States, Japan and the Netherlands" reached in Washington on January 27 this year "export restrictions to China" consensus.

3, 23, Japan announced more than three months ago 23 chip manufacturing equipment export control policies began to take effect. China's control regulations on gallium and germanium will also take effect on August 1. The global semiconductor division of labor is fragmenting. (4) Minoru Kobayashi, director of the Industrial Bank of Japan and Director of the Investigation, suggested: "After the war, Japan promoted the automobile as an important export industry. China should also introduce cars in the futureThe process is compared to a pyramid, the spire is 10nm and above the process, 14nm and 90nm are the tower waist, and 90nm is the base. Speaking of this, the strategic significance of the domestic 90nm lithography machine is shown.

2, the existence of nm domestic lithography machine, at least to ensure that we have chips available, not to be completely destroyed. You know, many of our military chips are produced by lithography machines with accuracy of 90nm and below.

3. The United States sanctions Huawei, does not allow any country in the world to provide Huawei technology, although Huawei can design chips, butThe high-end software for designing chips also relies heavily on overseas sources. We can now mass-produced lithography machine in China has only developed to 90nm, and we still have a long way to go from the international level.

4, the world's best lithography machine is only the Netherlands ASML company can manufacture, although our lithography machine accuracy is not very high, but it is a must exist.

What is a lithography machine? What is the machining accuracy of China's lithography machine at present?

1, inBefore 1985, the first generation of lithography machine light source was mainly g-line mercury lamp light source of 436nm, which was only suitable for processes above 5μm; After that, the second generation lithography machine with 365nm i-line mercury lamp light source appeared, and the process accuracy came to 350-500nm.

2, lithography machine, also known as mask alignment and exposure machine, exposure system, lithography system, etc., is the core equipment for manufacturing chips. It uses a technique similar to photo printing to print fine graphics on a mask plate onto a silicon chip through light exposure.

3, lithography machine. A lithograph is a machine that makes chips,Its accuracy determines the upper limit of the chip. The best lithography machine produced in China has a processing accuracy of 12 nanometers. As of April 25, 2023, the Netherlands has achieved 7 nanometers, and the technology is difficult to break through and is blocked by foreign countries.

What is a lithography machine? How many chips can a lithography machine make?

1, the lithography machine is one of the important machines for the production of mobile phone chips. At present, only A few countries can produce lithography machines, only the Dutch ASML company can produce high-precision lithography machines, and the Dutch ASML monopolizes more than 80% of the global market share of high-precision lithography machines.

2, Mask Aligner, also known as: mask aligner exposure machine, exposure system, lithography system. The common lithography machine is Mask Alignment lithography, so it is called Mask Alignment System. 3, according to online information, a lithography machine can effectively manufacture about 600 pieces a day, a year can manufacture almost 290,000 chips. Why is the lithography machine so important? At present, whether it is a mobile phone chip or a car coreChips or other fields, including military, aerospace and other applications, chips are inseparable from lithography.

4, the output of a lithography machine is limited, and the number of chips it can manufacture is relatively small. The main function of the lithography machine is to accurately characterize tiny circuit patterns on silicon wafers. In the manufacturing process of smartphones and other electronic devices, the lithography machine is one of the key equipment for the production of chips.