1, 7293 with what prefix 2, 2sc3280 and 2sc1301 amplifier and 7293 which sound quality is good 3, LM3886 can and TDA7294. 7,293 over? 4, Power amplifier integration block TDA7293,...

7293 power amplifier chip sound quality is good (7293 power amplifier sound quality has what characteristics)

7293 with what pre-stage

TDA7293 is a high-power, high-voltage DMOS high-fidelity amplifier IC produced by ST (SGS-THOMSON) company, with a rated output power of 100W. The maximum operating voltage is 120V.

Perfect with CND sound art pre-level. In the case of fixed speaker characteristics, a good front stage can improve the effect of the whole system, thus giving the singer a relaxed and happy singing feeling. Classification of pre-effect: digital pre-effect and analog pre-effect.

SC5200, 2SA1943 The most commonly used triode. Power 150W/ pair. According to the power and current withstand voltage, there is no big difference in sound quality. --2SA1301/C3280 2SA1302/C3281 These two are very good but I recommend MJ2955/2N3055 cheaper.

LM3886 can and TDA7294. 7,293 over?

1, I know that the power amplifier with TDA7294/7293/7295/7296 chip is relatively listening. From the point of view of parameters alone, LM3886 seems to be the best, followed by TDA7293, TDA7294 is a little bit worse, but it also depends on everyone's preferences and listening habits, in fact, over the years, the reputation of these chips are very good, the price is similar, there is no need to be too entangled.

3To tell you the truth, if you buy in bulk, you can cut the price. There are traders, not from the source of goods to buy, the price will go up, after all, the money is earned by everyone. Overall 3886 is slightly better. Although 7294 is good, but similar to 3886, 7294 power is relatively large, if it is for family use.

4, tda2003 is a five-pin mono 20W power amplifier chip, tda2004 is an 11-pin dual channel 2*10W power amplifier chip, not within a range, not good comparison evaluation.

Power amplifier integration block TDA7293, TDA7294, LM3886, which is better when you don't care about the power...

1, both are popular high-power amplifier integration. Which is better? It's a matter of seeing who knows what. 3886 is a product of the United States Office, 3886 is a product of Philips.

2, do well, in addition to the chip, but also to see the peripheral components, good design is very important, these three amplifiers have sky-high power amplifier use.

3. In terms of performance parameters, TDA7293 is better than LM3886. The TDA7293 outputs 75W at 4 ohm load and voltage ±29V. Conversion rate 10V/US. The LM3886 outputs 50W at 4 ohm load and voltage ±28V.

4, TD7293 voltage supply range is wider, the maximum can be double 50V DC power supply. This means greater dynamic range and higher output power than the TDA7294.

5, LM3886TF, the biggest advantage of the chip is that it has output anti-impact measures, soIn order to do not need to use the horn relay delay, this point is most suitable for subwoofer, because the strong vibration of the subwoofer is easy to make the relay contact jump.

6 power amplifier Im4766.3886.7293.7294 which has good sound quality

1, LM3886 mono 80W I now use this Wheway S5N speaker is still very good. Dual 26-28V LM4766 dual channel 8 Ohm load 40W without distortion. Used 7293 feelingThe raw, cold and hard sound color integrated with the thick film is widely used in the HI-FI field: such as home theater, active speakers, etc.

4, DENON (DENON) company was founded in 1910, in 1951 became the first Japanese audio company to sell LP records, DENon because of the production of power player products especially good quality and established a remarkable reputation, and won numerous praise in the world.

tda7293 power amplifier how much filter capacitor

1.47uf. The TDA7293 is a standard circuit with an input coupling capacitance of 0.47UF. Depending on the input impedance, 0.01UF also gets a good low-frequency response.

2, after the power supply rectification and filtering, the capacitor voltage in the circuit should be: voltage value X 150%= the capacitor voltage. Transformer power: For TDA7293IC power amplifier, I think it is best to use 150-200W. When the transformer is powered, it is best to use separate power supply for the front and back stages of the amplifier.

3, if you want large output power, it is recommended to use high-power fool amplifierCircuits, such as "Fool 200", "D-200", etc.

4, so the filter capacitor needs to use a large-capacity electrolytic capacitor, generally more than 10W power amplifier at least choose 1000uF electrolytic capacitor, theoretically doubled the power capacity should also be doubled.