延时芯片ichaiyang 2024-05-12 16:10 538
1, The principle of pyroelectric infrared time-delay lighting composed of BISS0001? 2, 51 How should the delay in the MCU be calculated? 3, Voice activated light which is the del...

Delay chip (Which delay chip)

The principle of pyroelectric infrared time-delay lighting composed of BISS0001?

1, it uses the principle that two opposite polarity, equal size interference signals cancel each other in the interior to compensate the sensor. For the infrared radiation radiated to the sensor, the pyroelectric sensor focuses it through a Fresnel lens mounted on the front of the sensor and adds it to two probe elementsOn, so that the sensor output voltage signal.

2, automatic induction: the person enters the induction range, the output high level, the person leaves the induction range, the automatic delay to close the high level, the output low level. Photosensitive control (optional, not set at the factory) Photosensitive control can be set during the day or when the light is strong.

3, the above circuit diagram is different from BISS0001, BISS0001 has two operational amps to amplify the signal detected by the probe, and this signal is processed by other parts to complete different functions such as timing, no trigger, etc.

51 How should the delay in the MCU be calculated?

MCU delay program through the execution of instructions to achieve the delay effect, this time is equal to the execution of the instruction required time, and an instruction required time called instruction cycle, this time is equal to a number of machine cycles.

b=125, 1000/8=125, minus other call times, the value of b should not be greater than 125.

Several precise delay procedures: In the calculation of accurate delay, the most easy to ignore is the calculation of the loopPartial delay, in the case of low time requirements, this part will not affect the program. 500ms delay subroutine program: (crystal 12MHz, a machine cycle 1us.

Voice controlled lamp which is the delay capacitor model

1, the thyristor model has a voice control lamp mostly uses a small trigger current one-way thyristor, commonly used such as MCR100-6. The bidirectional triggering current is not used much. Acousto-optic control refers to a type of electronics that uses changes in sound and light to control circuits to achieve specific functionsControl method.

2, it depends on what principle your voice controlled lamp is timed, if it is the simplest resistance and capacitance timing, increase the capacitance on the line, the detailed time needs to calculate the correct and accurate time resistance and capacitance value. If other methods of timing, it is necessary to improve the timing in a corresponding way.

3, RL (light bulb) will glow. After the thyristor is switched on, C4 slowly discharges through R8. When the discharge current is not enough to start the thyristor trigger current, the thyristor is turned off. The delay time depends on the cooperation of C4 and R8 to achieve. The delay time is related to the size of C4R8, and also to the thyristor>Up to 3200M, Intel's 12th-generation memory g1 mode has read and write speeds of more than 45000M per second, with a latency of 65NS.

does not count. The performance of G1 mode memory is high and it is difficult to get up to higher frequencies. The memory delay of 100ns is high, and the memory delay of 80ns is not high. Memory overclocked to 3200M, G1 mode memory is suitable for playing games, drawing and other work, its response is fast, running more smoothly.

Select g1. Since the average CPU is in g1 mode 3866, switching to g2 mode 4000 will affect performance. 133 Memory frequency Select g1. Orders,The most widely used memory frequencies in the former market are 333MHz and 400MHz.

It is recommended that you use the switching regulator CS5171 for ±12V delayed power supply.

Voltage regulator: A voltage regulator is one of the most basic power management chips used to convert the input voltage into a stable output voltage. They can be divided into linear regulators and switching regulators.

AC-DC conversion chip: Responsible for converting alternating current to direct current, such as the chip used in the aforementioned power adapter or power module. DC-DC conversion chip: Includes various forms of converters, such as Buck (Buck) converter, Boost (Boost) converter, and buck-boost (Buck) converter chip.

SGM4151, the chip is a high-efficiency power management chip for portable devices and low-power applications for battery-powered devices.

Why is the delay program

used in the single chip microcomputer?

Delay because each step of the MCU is millisecond level, without delay, the led light is difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, so is the buzzer. The delay function calculates the time according to the crystal frequency of the single chip microcomputer.

delay program is used in dynamic scanning of the nixie tube to ensure the display brightness of the nixie tube, as for the time delay, it can be calculated in assembly, it is not good to calculate in C language, to know how much time delay, you can use keil software debugging, debugging can be calculated.

The effect of increasing the delayThe power supply voltage is stable, and the sensor data is stable.

is equivalent to PWM voltage regulation, so it is necessary to carefully adjust the on/off delay time to obtain the stability and brightness of the display, and the final display results are also related to the structure of the display code and the solid board demonstration, simulation and other factors.

That's because you put the timer setting inside the while () loop, and if you don't increase the time delay, you'll set the timer repeatedly. As for the output being all high, that's because GPIO defaults to high. You can do it while you're at itLet PWMOUT = 0; Then remove the delay, and you'll get a constant low level.