2582运放芯片ichaiyang 2024-05-12 11:30 48
1, Hello, have you replaced the ad827 with ne5532? How does it work? Thank you 2, integrated amplifier chip LM258AH LM258AD,, LM258AN... What's different about 3, LM4562 OP-AMP c...

2582 op amp chip (How about 2582 op amp chip)

Hello, have you replaced the ad827 with ne5532? How does it work? Thank you

1, the original circuit is designed according to the ad827, after replacement may cause some problems, such as gain, impedance matching, etc., you can modify the parameters of some parts of the components according to the need to find the appropriate working state.

2, there are many manufacturers are in production, the beginning of the model is different, but as long as the end is 4558 most can be replacedI found a few on any board I could find in the store.

3, I can tell you that I am also an OP-amp fan, I have tried all the op-amp mentioned upstairs, but I feel that it is used, but the OP-amp directly replaces the single OP-amp, the effect is not good, and the OP-amp mentioned upstairs can be said to be on the same level as NE5532 in sound, it will not be much improved.

4, yesterday, a friend gave two LM3886, I took the experimental board to weld a front level (with NE5532), with high-low pass transfer selector switch (in the board behind the welding of the micro switch). No dual 28V power supplyPut your own 1 computer active speaker power supply (output only double 15V.

5, but most of it is determined by the peripheral circuit, you can use your 5532 circuit directly into the AD712 to know, 5532 is no AD series of good, but only two pieces five, content, AD827 that is 30 pieces a ah. In addition, the NE5532 circuit can also be made to achieve a higher tone gain.

6, LT1057: Both ends of the extension is good, speed, dynamic and analytical power is also very good, that is, it is a cold tone, and the music released is like a kind of non-human smokeLM258AH, LM258AD, LM258AN... What are the different '> integrated amplifier chip LM258AH LM258AD,, LM258AN... What's the difference

1. This is the model of different package shapes of the op amp LM258 produced by ST Company. The suffix H is the plastic package DIP8, the suffix D represents the plastic package SO8, the suffix H represents the circular metal cap shell package, and there is a suffix J represents the ceramic package DIP8.

Advantages of LM4562 OP-amp chip

1.LM4562. The LM4562 is a high-fidelity dual-op amplifier from National Semiconductor Corporation, which has the advantages of extremely low distortion rate, low noise, high conversion rate, wide operating voltage range and large output current, suitable for professional and high-end audio systems.

2, the LM4562 operational amplifier can give full play to its performance even if it drives capacitive loads up to 100pF. This chip has a mute function to suppress switching/switching noise, enabling the output of the amplifierReducing to static current is very helpful in saving electricity.

3, LM4562 has the advantages of extremely low distortion, low noise, high voltage swing rate, wide operating voltage range and large output current. The performance was unprecedented.

4, the LM4562 chip has the advantages of extremely low distortion rate, low noise, high conversion rate, wide operating voltage range and large output current, and the high performance is unprecedented.

Type of integrated OP amp

The classification of integrated operational amplifiers is amplified according to integrated operationsAccording to the parameters of the unit, the integrated operational amplifier can be divided into the following categories. Precision operational amplifiers generally refer to operational amplifiers with offset voltage less than 1mV and emphasize that the offset voltage with temperature change drift value is less than 100V.

According to the parameters of integrated operational amplifiers, integrated operational amplifiers can be divided into the following categories.

A wide variety of operational amplifiers are widely used in the electronics industry. High resistance type: This type of integrated operational amplifier is characterized by a very high differential mode input impedance, the input bias current is very small, generally rid1GΩ~1TΩ, IB for a few piamps to dozens of skinAnn.

Three basic types of operational amplifiers: dual-power operational amplifiers, single-power operational magnifying glasses, rail-to-rail operational amplifiers. Dual power supply Operational amplifier Dual power supply refers to two voltage sources.

Recommend a few good op amp ics, must be able to replace NE5532

1, recommend you to use LM4562, the operation amplifier is the National Semiconductor company in recent years launched a high-fidelity double operation amplifier, its distortion is extremely small, only 0.00003% of the total harmonic lossTrue and noise (THD N), in other words, the distortion of this op amp is almost negligible, and its pin arrangement and package NE5532 are exactly the same.

2, the effect of ne5532 is good, since you want to change, that you are not satisfied with the noise of 5532, then you can use the op series of operation amplifier, strong anti-interference ability, op07 is more common, the parameters are enough, other op is only larger bandwidth, similar effect, but the price is high.

3, LM4562 is a high-performance audio dedicated dual op amplifier, National Semiconductor Corporation (NSC)It is a member of the ultra-low distortion, low noise and high conversion rate operational amplifier series.