芯片分选机ichaiyang 2024-05-12 10:30 37
1, See what a chip sorter is 2. What is the semiconductor packaging test equipment 3, What are the test sorting of LED chips? 4, What chip is suitable for the LED chip sorter o...

Chip sorter (working principle of chip sorter)

See what the chip sorter is

Can use the automatic test probe station, automatic sorting machine (manipulator), automatic test equipment (ATE) and other related instruments and equipment, engaged in integrated circuit testing.

Do chip design, choose microelectronics microelectronics, is based on integrated electricityThe discipline represented by road design, manufacturing and application is one of the most rapidly developing high-tech applied disciplines in modern times.

Chip test and sorting machine is a precision instrument. Chip test and sorting machine is a combination of optical and mechanical machinery of the full automation equipment, involving precision machinery, automatic control, precision optics, computer applications, pneumatic technology, system engineering and many scientific fields, belongs to the precision instrument.

Integrated circuits, semi-finished products of mixed integrated circuits, and finished products are aging screening.

IT application occupation includes: 1) control class: single-chip computer application designer, control system designer, logic controlChip editor, automatic data acquisition and analyst. 2) Application system development: embedded system developer, website developer, game program developer, radio frequency identification system developer.

Introduction: If you want to study semiconductor chips, when choosing a major in the university, the first choice is chemistry and microelectronics science engineering related majors, computer science, materials physics or information and communication engineering and electronic science related majors can also be considered, this type of professional can do hardware including software research.

Semiconductor package testWhat are the test equipment

1, semiconductor packaging Test equipment is used to test and package semiconductor chips equipment, usually includes the following: test machine (Test Handler) : used to test and classify the chip, usually includes the test head, probe card and mechanical arm and other components.

2, welding machine: welding machine is used to connect the chip to the packaging material. This device can be welded using hot pressing or ultrasonic welding. Fatigue tester: Fatigue tester is used to test whether the chip will fail after a long time of use. This device can simulate actual useConditions under stress and temperature environment.

3, the main semiconductor packaging and testing equipment includes: thinning machine. Thinning machine is to thin the wafer substrate by thinning/grinding, improve the chip heat dissipation effect, thinning to a certain thickness is conducive to the later packaging process. Four probes.

4, Photolithography Equipment: used to define and manufacture tiny circuit patterns on the chip, usually used in the initial stage of manufacturing the chip. Cleaning Equipment: ForClean and purify the chip surface to ensure good welding and packaging quality.

5, common semiconductor packaging equipment includes: chip sorter: used to separate the chip from the wafer. Pad preparation equipment: a pad for preparing chip connections, including a spherical pad preparation equipment and a flat pad preparation equipment.

6, microscopic imaging equipment: mainly including optical microscope, scanning electron microscope, etc., for the observation and analysis of material microstructure images. Chemical analysis equipment: mainly includes electron probe, energy spectrometer, Raman spectrometer, etc., used for chemical composition detection and analysis.

What are the test sorting of LED chips?

LED chip test microscopy: whether the surface of the material can have mechanical damage and pitting pits lockhill chip size and electrode size can meet the process requirements electrode pattern can be complete. Because the LED chip is still arranged tightly after slicing, the spacing is very small (about 0.1mm), which is not conducive to the operation of the post-process.

Mainly tests the voltage, wavelength and brightness, and the wafers that can meet the normal shipping standard parameters continue to do the next stepStep the operation, if the nine-point test does not meet the relevant requirements of the wafer, it is put aside for other processing.

Chip inspection Microscopy: whether there is mechanical damage on the surface of the material and pitting pits (lockhill) chip size and electrode size meet the process requirements whether the electrode pattern is complete expansion because the LED chip is still arranged closely after the slice is small (about 0.1mm), which is not conducive to the operation of the post-process.

Directly use the DC voltage file, measure its output voltage to the LED light group, there is a corresponding DC voltage is proved to be good, no bad (seeLED is series or parallel, an ordinary LED is calculated by 3 volts). Multimeter to measure led ballast.

What chip is suitable for the LED chip sorter of Youjie Technology, and do you have requirements for the chip specifications?

Often used led lamp beads, red and yellow light are generally in 9~12mil, white, blue, green light are generally in 12~14mil, which is the most commonly used chip on the market, if you use a larger chip, although the brightness can be improved a lot, but the coreChip prices have increased dramatically, which is why large-size chips are rarely adopted.

High-power LED chip size is 38*38mil, 40*40mil, 45*45mil and other three kinds of chip size of course can be customized, this is just the general common specifications. mil is a unit of size, one mil is one thousandth of an inch. 40mil is about 1 millimeter.

MB chip, GB chip, TS chip, AS chip is the most common. Let's learn about the relevant knowledge with Xiaobian. LED chip has what classification MB chip set>2, running a specific software crash, may be poor software compatibility, you can replace the software version, reinstall the software, compatible mode to run the software to try. The system may be abnormal. Restore or reinstall the system. It may also be overheating leading to crash, which can be cleaned and replaced with silicone grease to improve heat dissipation.

3, the system may be abnormal, you can restore the system or reinstall the system. It may also be overheating leading to crash, which can be cleaned and replaced with silicone grease to improve heat dissipation.

4, modify the registry, away from the problem of false crashes Many false crashes are caused by running programs that do not respond.