2732芯片容量ichaiyang 2024-05-12 10:05 49
1, In the principle of microcomputer, the storage capacity is 4K× 8-bit 2732A, what is the meaning. 2, How many bits of address line does it take to expand a 2732 program memory...

2732 chip capacity (27128 chip capacity)

In the principle of microcomputer, the storage capacity is 4K× 8-bit 2732A, what is the meaning.

1, K is the number of on-chip storage units, and 8 bits is the number of binary numbers that a storage unit can store. Because there are 4K memory units on the chip (4K=2^12), there must be 12 address lines.

2. Intel 2732A YesA 4K× 8-bit EPROM, with access times of 250ns and 200ns, can work properly without inserting wait cycles when interfacing with an 8086-2 (8MHz) CPU.

3, A to address the range of 4KB is 12 lines, A0~A11 is connected with the CPU A0~A11, used for ROM addressing. The A12~A14 of the CPU is connected to the 38 decoder to generate the slice selection signal.

4, in the principle of computer composition, we generally use n*n bits of storage to form a storage matrix, whichWhere n is a power of two, which is n=2^x. The 4k*8 bit refers to the number of bit storage bodies in the storage matrix, that is, n*n=4k=4096 bits.

5, chip 2732, that is, 4K x 8bit=32Kb address line 12. Data line 8 chips 21141K x 4bit address line 10. 4 data cables, 16K×8b RAM, 14 address cables. Memory address range: 2K, by 2^11=2048=2K.

What does the number 2732 mean

1, Intel 2732 At present, the widely used EPROM EPROM chip can be repeatedly erased and written, solving the problem that the PROM chip can only be written once.

2, Jintan City, Jiangsu Province 320482 ID card is Jintan City, Jiangsu Province. The citizen ID number is a feature combination code, which is composed of seventeen digit body code and one digit check code. The sequence from left to right is: six-digit address code, eight-digit date of birth code, three-digit sequence code andOne digit check code.

3, the circular section of /7 is 142857, the number sum is 27, and the others are similar.

4, the radical symbol itself represents the root operation, that is, to find the square root of a number. If we think of it as an expression, then the square root of 12732 means taking the square root of the number 12732. The result of this operation represents a concept, not a numerical value.

5, 0 is a meaningless sequence of numbers, without a clear definition and meaning. This seemingly meaningless sequence of numbers often appears on the InternetColumn.

6, ni refers to the chemical element nickel, in the periodic table 28, weight: 571 electron arrangement: 2,8,16,2 orbit: 3d8 Melting point: 1453 C boiling point: 2732 C.