无线充SMT贴片ichaiyang 2024-05-12 8:58 33
1, SMT patch processing must pay attention to the measures of electrostatic discharge, which mainly includes the design of the patch processing and the re-establishment of the stan...

What do SMT patches need to pay attention to?

1, SMT patch processing must pay attention to the measures of electrostatic discharge, which mainly includes the design of the patch processing and the re-establishment of the standard, and in the SMT patch processing for electrostatic discharge sensitivity, so that the corresponding treatment and protection measures are very critical. If these standards are not clear, consult the relevant documents to learn.

2, SMT patch processing should be fully in line with the evaluation standards of welding technology above, in the welding time usually used to ordinary welding and manual welding and other related measures, and in the SMT patch processing required to use the welding technology and standards, you can consult the evaluation manual of welding technology. Of course, there are some high-tech SMT processing plants also 3D construction of the products required to be processed, so that the effect after processing will reach the standard, and its appearance will be more perfect.

3, after the SMT patch processing welding technology is cleaning measures, in the cleaning time also need to be strictly in accordance with the standards, otherwise the safety of the SMT patch processing can not be guaranteed. Therefore, the type and nature of the cleaning agent are required when cleaning, and the integrity and safety of the equipment and process need to be taken into account during the cleaning process.