cm级无线充ichaiyang 2024-05-12 8:57 32
How to make the rice milk of the sausage noodles?When it comes to sausage noodles, I believe the first thing that comes to your mind should be \"Guangdong sausage noodles\". Its t...

How to make the rice milk of the sausage noodles?

How to make the rice milk of the sausage noodles?

When it comes to sausage noodles, I believe the first thing that comes to your mind should be \"Guangdong sausage noodles\". Its taste is very elastic, transparent, especially loved by the local people, is one of the most distinctive local breakfast in Guangdong. The main point of the question is to ask how the rice milk of the sausage is prepared, I think he asked a particularly good question, because whether the rice milk can be prepared just right is the most basic and the most core link to do a good job of the sausage.

Nature is the natural raw material for the creation of food, and it breeds the ingredients for human survival with its uncanny workmanship. Do a good job of every dish of food, live up to the gift of nature, taste human food, enjoy the power of nature.

In order to make a suitable rice milk, I personally think that the following two conditions can be met.

① : Selection of rice: Choose aged rice more than 1 year, grind it into rice milk and produce the sausage powder with tender, smooth and refreshing taste.

② : The ratio of rice and water: this ratio is very important, determining the molding state of the sausage, it is recommended that the ratio of rice and water is 3:1.

Meet the above two conditions, a little more effort in the production, a suitable rice milk will not miss you. Here is the time to share the food of the meal, like friends can collect and forward ah!

The modulation process of \"rice milk\"

- Prepare materials -

【 Main ingredient 】 : Old rice 100g

[Ingredients] : Edible oil 10ml, purified water 300ml

[Tools] : Juicer, filter

begin making

Step 1: Take 100g old rice, clean it, then take a large bowl, put the cleaned old rice into the bowl, pour 300ml pure water, soak for 10 hours.

Step 2: Take out the juicer, pour the old rice into the juicer after soaking, and then press the stir button to stir well.

Step 3: Take a large bowl, hold the filter in your left hand, hold the juicer in your right hand, pour the evenly mixed rice milk down the filter, and filter out the impurities in the rice milk.

Step 4: Add 10ml cooking oil to the rice milk bowl after filtration and stir well.

Question and answer session of \"Rice Milk\"

1. Why soak old rice for 10 hours?

A: This reason is actually relatively simple, rice is relatively fresh rice, although its hardness is soft and tender, but its own is still relatively hard, the rice in the water soaking there are two main reasons, one, the rice in the soaking can fully absorb water, so that it becomes more soft and tender, in the juicer will stir more evenly; Second, eating old rice with enough water will become more full and tender, and the sausage powder will become fresh and refreshing.

2. Why choose old rice?

A: Old rice generally refers to the rice stored for more than a year, this rice due to long-term preservation, the starch content of old rice will have a certain loss, old rice will become more transparent and bright, and the sausage powder made with it will be more crystal clear. At the same time, the old rice absorbs the moisture of the air, resulting in less rice glue, and the sausage powder produced will become very smooth and tender.

3. Why not use fresh rice?

A: Is fresh rice really no good? Not really, but why not use fresh rice? Mainly due to the fresh rice its viscosity is relatively poor, if the fresh stirred out of the rice milk, due to its poor viscosity, in the process of cooking is not easy to set, easy to break. However, as long as the addition of a little corn starch can solve the problem of fresh rice stickiness, starch has a certain viscosity, can be a good supplement to the shortcomings of fresh rice stickiness. In this way, the sausage noodles will not be difficult to set and easily broken.

4. Why filter the rice milk?

A: In fact, this reason is also very simple, although the old rice after soaking is already very soft and tender, but in order to prevent the juicer from stirring completely evenly, so the impurities in the rice milk are filtered out with the filter, so that the impurities will not be eaten when eating the sausage powder.

5. Why do you add cooking oil to rice milk?

A: There are three main reasons for adding a little cooking oil to the rice milk. First, the density of the oil is low, and the poured cooking oil will float above the rice milk to prevent the rice milk from being oxidized by direct contact with oxygen in the air; Secondly, adding edible oil to the rice milk can avoid the phenomenon of the rice flour sticking to the pan when making the rice flour; Third, I often hear the old man say that he is not happy without meat, in fact, the meat here does not only refer to meat, he wants to express that the oil in the dish is insufficient, and it is uncomfortable to eat. Adding a little cooking oil here is also the same reason, can increase the appetite for it.

Tips for making rice milk

The first post: The old rice for making rice milk can be soaked with pure water the night before production, which can reduce the production time.

Second: Do not throw away the impurities after rice milk filtration, do not waste the ingredients, it is edible.

The third patch: In the production of sausage noodles, you can put in the right amount of shrimp, diced mushrooms, egg liquid, etc., with the prepared sauce, the taste is particularly delicious and refreshing, which makes people have an appetite.

Summary words of \"rice milk\"

In fact, it is very easy to make a favorite food, as long as you can carefully make, a smooth and refreshing sausage will always meet you. I hope that after reading this article, I like the production process of rice milk as much as I do. I am \"Fan Fan Love Life\

1, sticky rice flour 1 catty,2 two millet powder,2 two cornstarch,1 two wheat water about 4 catty, salt, oil a little, mix together, can not caked, water can be added.

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2. Put pork, fish fillet, shrimps, beef, barbecued pork and other fillings on the multi-layer steaming tray or cotton cloth, and then roll long strips after steaming, cut into sections and plate, generally cut into 3 sections. Top with soy sauce and serve. Soy sauce preparation: light soy sauce 1 jin, dark soy sauce 3 two, rock sugar 5 two, salt 1 money, MSG 3 money, chicken powder 5 money, Maggi soy sauce 1 two, cilantro water about 1.7 jin [cilantro, shrimp, star anise, carrot, Sichuan pepper, fragrant leaves, ginger, dried onion boiled water]. Pull the sausage powder secret: the sausage powder is poured on the cotton cloth, steamed after taking out, spread on the surface brushed with peanut oil, with a marble slab as a good, and then hold the corner of the cotton cloth with one hand, and scrape down the sticky part with a non-mouth sheet knife, so that the side is pulled out until a wide of about 20 centimeters, about 30 centimeters long complete sheet.

Hello, I am floating son 78, headline number original food author, see this title can not help but come in to say. Once on the Internet to see a netizen do the sausage is very attractive, suddenly want to eat, they tried, there have been studies of the sausage flour post, but have not started, then I will improve the recipe of others, make the effect and taste good, eat very elastic, good taste. In fact, the most important thing is that it is convenient for home production.

About the mixing method of rice milk I am as follows: First prepare 150g sticky rice flour, 25g wheat flour, 30g horseshoe powder and 600g water, mix these materials together, and then mix well in one direction, put one night to become rice milk, which can be used to make sausage noodles.

The following is a sausage sausage noodles I made for your reference.

Usually in the market to eat the sausage is usually put eggs or lean meat and so on, this time I decided to change these fillings, using Guangdong is relatively famous Cantonese sausage, made sausage taste with a little salty sweet, especially suitable for Cantonese sweet taste.

[Sausage sausage noodles]

Ingredients: Glutinous rice flour 150g, wheat flour 25g, horseshoe powder 30g, water 600g

Ingredients: sausage, Chinese cabbage, oil, scallions, light soy sauce, steamed fish soy sauce, sugar each appropriate amount

[Production method]

1, glutinous rice flour, wheat flour, horse chestnut powder and water mix well into a pulp and put one night

2. Pour water into the pot and bring to a boil. Put a flat chassis on it and brush a layer of cooking oil

3. Pour the sausage paste into a flat chassis, add an appropriate amount of sausage and shredded Chinese cabbage, mix well, and then add an appropriate amount of green onion

4. Cover the pot and steam for about five minutes until the noodles are completely transparent

5. Roll the noodles with a spatula while they are hot

6. Put the sausage on a plate and drizzle the sauce (light soy sauce, steamed fish soy sauce and sugar mix well and boil)

[Tip] :

1. The sausage noodles with horseshoe powder taste chewy

2. Mix glutinous rice flour, wheat flour, horseshoe powder and water to make a pulp and let it stand for at least 3 hours or more.

3, the pan in the flat chassis after hot brush a layer of oil can prevent sticking

4. The flavor of the sauce is modulated according to personal preference

5. The sausage in the sausage noodle can be replaced with lean meat

I hope my answer is helpful to you, want to get more food recipes, welcome to pay attention to my headline number: Piao 'er 78

How to adjust the rice milk of the sausage noodles:

Sausage noodle is a kind of food that many people like, because of its appearance, its taste is soft and delicious. Many people want to make their own sausage, in fact, the taste of the sausage is mainly to see the deployment of rice milk, if the rice milk is not good, the sausage will not be smooth, not tender, the taste is very bad, then how to deploy a good rice milk to make sausage noodles? The main consideration is the choice of rice, the ratio of rice flour and water in rice milk. Here I will introduce how I make rice milk, and some tips, I hope to help you.

Rice milk production steps of sausage noodles:

1, first of all, clean the ready old rice, and then soak it with water to ensure that the water covers the rice until the rice bubbles through.

2, and then the soaked old rice with the corresponding water to grind. (The ratio is usually 1:1.5)

3. Then dissolve the corn flour in water and pour it into the rice paste and stir well. (For example, if it is 100 grams of cornflour, add about 200 grams of water to dissolve it)

4. Finally, add the wheat flour to warm water and dissolve it, then pour it into it and continue to stir.

Rice milk production tips for sausage noodles:

1, the choice of rice: here I choose old rice, that is, old rice, [old rice] old rice has low viscosity, less gum, and the taste will not be very sticky. 【 New rice 】 The starch content of new rice is higher than that of old rice, and it will be more fragrant. (So the choice of rice according to their own preferences to choose).

2, the ratio of rice and water grinding: here I choose the ratio is 1:1.5, the ratio is not very affect the final molding and taste, for example, too much water will cause the powder is not easy to form, water is too little, the powder will be hard.

For more food recipes, please pay attention to the headline number: Home food recipes

1, the Laobao rice 500G and water 600G mixed soak for more than three hours (the purpose is to make the laobao rice absorb the right amount of water, grinding out the rice milk is more delicate, and the service life of the pulper is extended).

2, the same amount of old rice and water grinding, pay attention to the pulp speed should be uniform, otherwise the heat of the grinding machine will lead to too much cooked pulp and affect the quality of the sausage powder

3. Mix 50G of wheat flour with an appropriate amount of water, and mix evenly with the rice milk of step 2.

4, flushing cooked pulp: the ratio is: raw pulp than cooked pulp = 10:1, add salt

For you to introduce a Guangdong sausage rice milk is how to tune:


Water ground rice flour 500g

50 g corn starch

20 g of oil

10 g refined salt

Water 750 grams

Boiling water 500g

Cornflour 50g


First: First of all, the rice flour should be made into a powder with water, and then put aside for use.

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Second: Mix corn starch with raw flour, mix with a little water to form a thin paste, boil with boiling water to form a paste, cool, and then mix with rice flour paste, add MSG and salt, mix with oil and stir well.

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Third point: Spread a wet white cloth in the drawer, and then spread the sausage powder onto the white cloth. Its thickness is about 2.5 mm. Steam over high heat for 3-4 minutes, then roll from top to bottom to form pork intestines.

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Fourth: the drawer cloth should be made of white cotton to prevent the powder from leaking out. It shouldn't take too long to steam, just right.

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Fifth: Take it out after steaming, you can see that it belongs to the kind of soft and smooth, white and sweet color, not greasy.