北桥芯片ichaiyang 2024-05-12 7:50 44
1, What the Northbridge part of the chipset controls 2, What is the North-South Bridge chip on the computer motherboard? What is it mainly used for? 3. Laptop North-South Bridge...

Northbridge chip (the following do not belong to Northbridge chip)

What is controlled by the North bridge part of the chipset

Activities usually controlled by the north bridge portion of the chipset have access to ram, access communication between the graphics card 4cpu and the hard drive. The NorthBridge chip (NorthBridge) is the leading component of the motherboard chipset, also known as the HostBridge. Northbridge is one of two large-scale chips in the PC motherboard chipset.

North bridge chip (NorthBridge) is the most important part of the motherboard chipset that plays a leading role, that is, the closest chip to the CPU on the motherboard, responsible for the contact with the CPU and control memory, the role is in the processor and PCI bus, DRAM, AGPEstablish a communication interface with the L2 cache.

In the traditional north-south bridge structure, the north bridge (that is, a large chip on the motherboard near the CPU slot) is responsible for the contact with the CPU and controls the memory, AGP, PCI interface, and related data is transmitted inside the North bridge; Southbridge is responsible for I/O interface and IDE device control. However, Intel abandoned the North-South bridge structure from the 810.

The north bridge part of the chipset controls the communication between the access ram and the access graphics card, the North bridge chip of the computer motherboard is mainly used to process high-speed signals, and the North bridge chip of the motherboard integrates a lotFunctions, such as gigabit network, serial port hard drive control and other functions, the mainstream North bridge chip brands are NVIDIA, SIS, VIA.

The south bridge chip is responsible for the communication between the I/O bus, such as PCI bus, USB, LAN, ATA, SATA, audio controller, keyboard controller, real-time clock controller, advanced power management, etc. These technologies are generally relatively stable, so different chipsets may be the same south bridge chip, the difference is only the north bridge chip.

DMA control. (Direct access) 10) RTC control. 11) IDE controlPieces.

2, the North bridge chip is the closest chip to the CPU on the motherboard, which is mainly to take into account the most close communication between the North bridge chip and the processor, in order to improve the communication performance and shorten the transmission distance. The North Bridge plays a leading role in the computer, so it is also called the Host Bridge.

3, the Southbridge chip is responsible for the communication between I/O buses, such as PCI bus, USB, LAN, ATA, SATA, audio controller, keyboard controller, real-time clock controller, advanced power management.

4, North bridge (main) : the systemThe system control chip is mainly responsible for the communication between CPU and memory, CPU and AGP. The control items are mostly high-speed devices, such as CPU and Host Bus. The late North bridge integrated memory controller, Cache high-speed controller; The functions are as follows: ① Communication between the CPU and memory. ② Cache control.

5, the computer's south bridge North bridge refers to the south bridge chip and the north bridge chip. A computer motherboard, with the CPU socket as the North, a chip that plays a connection role near the CPU socket is called "North Bridge chip", English name: North BridgeThe Chipset.

What is the laptop North-South Bridge?

1, the North Bridge chip (North Bridge) is the most important part of the mainboard chipset that plays a leading role, also known as the main bridge (Host Bridge).

2, the computer's south bridge North bridge refers to the south bridge chip and the north bridge chip. A computer motherboard, with the CPU socket as the North, a chip that plays a connection role near the CPU socket is called "North bridge chip", English name: NorthBridge Chipset.

3, near the cpu is the north bridge and far is the south bridge, the computer's south bridge North bridge refers to the south bridge chip and the north bridge chip. For reference: A computer motherboard, with the CPU socket as the north, a chip that plays a connection role near the CPU socket is called the "North bridge chip", English name: NorthBridgeChipset.

4, the south bridge: that is, the system I/O chip (SI/O) : mainly manages low-speed external devices; Integrated interrupt controller, DMA controller. Functions are as follows: 1) PCI,The channel between ISA and IDE. 2) PS/2 Mouse control. (Indirectly Southbridge management, directly I/O management) 3) KB control (keyboard).

5, South bridge: is responsible for I/O interface and other peripheral interface control, IDE device control and additional functions and so on.

6, the North bridge is a chip on the computer motherboard, located in the CPU socket side, plays a connection role. The North bridge chip is the closest chip to the CPU on the motherboard, mainly considering that the communication between the North bridge chip and the processor is the most close, in order to improve the communication performanceShort transmission distance.

Role of Northbridge chip and Southbridge chip

1, the role of the North bridge chip The North bridge chip is responsible for the contact with the CPU and controls the memory AGP data transmission within the North bridge, providing support for the type and main frequency of the CPU, the front-end bus frequency of the system, the type and maximum capacity of the memory, AGP slots, ECC error correction, etc. The integrated chipset's Northbridge chip also integrates the display core.

2, the North bridge chip is responsible for the contact with the CPU and control of memory, AGP, PCI dataTransmission inside the North bridge, providing support for CPU type and main frequency, front-end bus frequency of the system, memory type and maximum capacity, ISA (this has long been eliminated) /PCI/AGP/PCIE slots, ECC error correction, etc.

3, the North bridge chip is close to the CPU part of the relatively large chip, generally covered with heat sink, its main function is responsible for CPU and memory, graphics card and other equipment control, connection, processing and other functions is the most critical chip of the motherboard, the general motherboard is named by its use of the North bridge chip model.

4, the North bridge chip is the motherboardThe most important component that plays a leading role in the chipset, also known as the main bridge.