罗平公园无线充ichaiyang 2024-05-12 7:45 40
1, Duan and the thirty-seventh alliance tabletThe tablet of the alliance between Duan and the thirty-seventh is located in Qujing No. 1 Middle School, Qilin District, Qujing City....

Qujing Dragon Boat Festival where fun?

1, Duan and the thirty-seventh alliance tablet

The tablet of the alliance between Duan and the thirty-seventh is located in Qujing No. 1 Middle School, Qilin District, Qujing City. It was established in the fourth year of Kaibao in the Northern Song Dynasty (971) and is a relic of the Dali period. It was unearthed in the 18th year of Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty (1679) in north Qujing City. The inscription records the historical fact that Duan Sushun, the chief of Dali State, joined forces with the thirty-seventh departments of Eastern Yunnan to fight against the backwardness of the departments of \"false respect\

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2. Cuan Baozi Stele

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cuan Baozi Stele is located in Qujing City Qilin District Qujing No. 1 Middle School, all known as \"Jin so Zhen Wei General Jianning Tashou Cuan Fu Jun Stele\". Commonly known as Xiaocuan Stela, the stela is rectangular, forehead semicircular, 1.8 meters high, 0.68 meters wide, 0.21 meters thick, this stela was established in the Eastern Jin period, the stela a total of 38 words, describing the life story of Cuan leader Baozi. The font of the inscription is a transitional style from official script to regular script, which is simple and thick, and has a high value for the study of Chinese characters.

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3. Baishijiang Park

The Baishi River is a tributary of the Nanpan River with a total length of 155 kilometers. Baishijiang Park is a park built on the Baishi River, and is also the largest park in Qujing City. The relief of Zhuge Liang and Meng Huo in the park is a large modern relief, made of 240 pieces of black marble. The park has a new \"Baishi River Battle\" sculpture, the sculpture is a Ming Dynasty dress and battle robe, strong and powerful Ming Dynasty general, left hand holding the sword behind the handle, eyes torch, Jiongjiongshi staring into the distance, as if just crossed the Qujing Baishi River, victory over the Yuan Dynasty King Liang army, and looking forward to a greater victory. This sculpture reflects the Battle of Baishijiang, a key battle in the Ming Dynasty to pacify Yunnan.

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4, Luoping rape flower sea

Luoping Rapeseed Flower sea is located in Niujie Township, Luoping County, Qujing City, with unique rapeseed flower resources as the basis, known as the world's \"largest Tiancheng garden\". Every March, the rapeseed flowers here are in full bloom, flowing gold, stretching for dozens of miles, like the sea of gold waves, the sea of flowers. When the sun rises in the east, the morning mist wrests, like a fairyland, is an ideal place for sightseeing and photography. Mountaineering overlooking the sea, rapeseed flowers, villages dotted, stockades dotted; The karst cone-shaped mountains, dotted with the sea of flowers, are like fairyland on earth, forming a wonderful picture. The annual rape flower cultural Tourism Festival attracts countless people to watch here.

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In Luoping, buses stop as they are called. Here is mainly shooting rapeseed flowers, playing golden rooster, cow Street, Tao Yi River and Kowloon Waterfall. Rapeseed flower fields are found in many parts of the country, but there are still few such large areas as Luoping. Generally speaking, there are beautiful cauliflower above the Kowloon waterfall, if you can not see it only in the downstream, you can also go to Jinji Ling, large Wells and so on.

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5. Golden Rooster Peak cluster

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From Luoping County, along the 324 National Highway north east 12 kilometers, there is a myriad of cone-shaped hills, scattered in the dam, this is the Jinji peak cluster. In the winter and spring season, hundreds of thousands of acres of rapeseed flowers in full bloom in Basi, gathering into a piece of golden ocean, in the spring breeze, the golden rapeseed flowers on layers of waves, as the sun becomes stronger and gradually become rich and charming, the eyes of a dazzling golden.

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Jinji Peak cluster is the core scenic spot of the peak forest, where the mountains are endless, successive peaks, vast and mighty. Into the Fenglin, the virtual ethereal, unpredictable: \"golden rooster\" singing, breaking the dawn; \"Cliff fairy\" clothes fluttering, fairy wind jade bone; \"Big Buddha Lecture\" soul washing sound; \"Two lions to play\" silly and so on.

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6. Duoyi River Scenic Spot

The water of the Duoyi River is clear and green, and there are bamboo rafts floating among them, and more than 50 calcified waterfall shoals, ten bends and nine falls are distributed on the river channel. The thousands of ancient trees along both sides of the river seem to be a huge natural root carving art exhibition hall. Buyi village along the river and cloth, stilted buildings looming between the trees and bamboo forests, from time to time a wisp of smoke, a full picture of tropical scenery. The Buyei customs in the scenic area are more intoxicating, especially on March 3 of the lunar calendar, young men and women of the Buyei nationality dress up to gather by the river, race bamboo rafts, send bags, and make love to songs, splash water blessings with special ways and distant guests, play and play, making people forget to return.

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Dui River scenic area beautiful mountains, beautiful scenery, quiet environment, exudes a strong Buyi customs. In the scenic area, what you can see is towering ancient trees, dense forests, wild flowers and weeds, waterfalls, rivers, waterwheels, villages, pastoral scenery fascinating, let people linger.

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7, Lubuge Three Gorges

Lubuge Three Gorges is located in Luoping County, Qujing City Lubuge power station dam Naigsha, set strange, beautiful, precipitous in one, by Xiongshi Gorge, Diling Gorge, double Xiang Gorge, known as \"small Three Gorges\". There are also stalactites on both sides of the river, mountains and cliffs. There are waterfowl playing on the lake and monkeys jumping between the cliffs. The famous landscape has \"beauty dressing\

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8. Kowloon Waterfall Group

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Jiulong Waterfall Group is a famous waterfall group on the Jiulong River, which used to be one of the \"Three Gorges Hanging Stream\" of \"Luoping Ancient Ten sights\". On the river, which is about 2 kilometers long, due to the difference in landform, ten waterfalls of different sizes and shapes have been formed. These waterfalls or vigorous momentum, or dignified and beautiful, waterfalls to shallow, deep pool connected, in the sunshine under the formation of a string of pearl ribbon, brilliant. As the seasons change, the scenery of the waterfall group will change, and even the roar is enough to shock.

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The Jiulong Waterfall Group is shaped like a \"silver dragon\" swimming in the mountains, in the 4,000-meter-long river, the drop is more than 100 meters. Due to the unique geological structure and the long-term erosion of water flow, the waterfall group of ten levels has been formed here.

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9. Colored sarin

The color sand forest, located in Majie Town, Luliang County, Qujing City, is a scenic spot characterized by natural sand columns and sand peaks. The whole scenic area is 6 square kilometers. It is a geomorphic wonder gradually formed by earthquake impact, crustal movement and other factors, colored sand condensed into sand columns, by the weather, light and different refraction of different tones, is a very rare landscape. This place has been selected as a location by a number of film and television photography units, and has filmed a number of film and television works such as \"Romance of The Three Kingdoms\" and \"Yan Huang First Ancestor\".

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The geological geomorphology of sarin has important scientific value. It is the formation of the earth's crust movement for hundreds of millions of years, and the cutting, lifting and falling of the soil force have formed its complex geological landforms. It is a rare specimen of ancient geological landform, has joined the World Wildlife Fund, is listed as one of the World Heritage to be protected. Sarin in a number of springs infiltration, murmuring water, adding to the beauty of sarin. Sand without ash when sunny, dry without dryness, wet without mud when rainy and not hard. In the spring out of the place, water pressure flushing sand, tumbling and transpiration, sand spring clear and transparent, the water taste is very good.

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10. Huize Ancient Town

Huize has a long history and is one of the first four prefectural counties in Yunnan. In ancient times, it was famous for rich copper and lead. In the Qing Dynasty, copper mining and smelting were further developed and became the coinage center of southwest China. At the same time, it has also formed the unique cultural characteristics of Huize's guild hall, and the remaining guild halls are still very eye-catching from the concentration of number and the chic shape. There are Jiangxi Temple, Big Buddha Temple, Xilai Temple, Temple of Literature, Wenchang Palace and so on.

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11, Na Gu Ancient town

The ancient town of Nagu is a cultural town with a long history. The name of Nagu Town was originally named \"Nagu\" in Yi language, meaning \"black land\" or \"black Basi\". The ancient town is located in the ancient crossroads of Yunnan River and is the starting point of Yunfeng ancient post Road. Yunfeng ancient Post Road stretches from Nagu in the west to Huize in the east, with a total length of 67 kilometers. The preserved section is 28 kilometers long and 2 meters wide. The ramps and bends are paved with stone steps, and it was the main official road for copper transportation in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Nagu ancient town is now preserved the \"three holy Palace\" tower, St. Joseph's Church, Chen's residence and other cultural relics and monuments.

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Most of the ancient buildings in Nagu Town are concentrated in Baiwu Street, which still maintains the ancient simple style and unique taste of the market town in the northeast mountainous area of Yunnan Province. According to legend, the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom wing king Shi Dakai led the west expedition, twice attacked the Dongchuan House not ke, then moved west, arrived in Chongli Township white Mist Street, Shi Dakai himself lived in white mist Street Shoufu Temple. Now all the gods in the temple have been destroyed, but \"Yu Wang\" is safe and sound.

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12, the sea grass mountain

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Located in the southeast of Dahai Township, Huize County, Qujing City, Dahai Caoshan is a sub-alpine meadow known as \"New Zealand of Yunnan\". The sea Grass Mountain has its unique beauty every season, no matter when you visit it will not disappoint. In spring and summer, it is like the depth of the Mongolian steppe, and in autumn and winter, it is a beautiful scenery of the snowy plateau. Because of this combination of Mongolian style and Tibetan landscape, Dahaicao Mountain has also been rated as one of the 108 most beautiful landmarks in China by National Human Geography magazine.

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Come to the sea grass mountain, look up to see the southeast corner of the peak of the bull village clouds around, the beauty of flying clouds walk fog, the head is a gorgeous \"colorful grass blanket\

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13, the bridge black-necked crane nature reserve

Located in Daqiao Township, Huize County, Qujing City, Daqiao Black-necked Crane Nature Reserve is one of the largest black-necked crane population habitats in the world, with lush water grass and intact swamp ecology. The black-necked crane, along with the giant panda and golden monkey, is listed as China's \"three national treasures\". It is the latest human discovery and the only rare crane bird living in the plateau area in the world. There are not only black-necked cranes living here, but also gray cranes, red ducks, bar-headed geese, red-billed gull, herons and other water birds. When the sun rises, hundreds of birds sing in unison, thousands of birds fly together, magnificent, called the black-necked crane paradise.

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14. Pearl River Source Scenic Spot

The Pearl River Source Scenic Spot is located at the east foot of Maxiong Mountain, Yanfang Town, Zhanyi District, Qujing City. It consists of the Pearl River source of Maxiong Mountain, Huashan Lake and some scenic spots in the city, with a total area of 50 square kilometers. The Pearl River is one of the four major rivers in China, from the Maxiong Mountain, there is \"a pulse separated by two disks\" (Nanpanjiang), \"a water drop three rivers\" (Nanpanjiang, Beipanjiang, Niulan River), \"a string of five pearls\" (lake) of the strange landscape.

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15, Nandan Mountain Scenic Spot

Nandan Mountain Scenic Area is composed of Nandan Mountain, Myozi Mountain, Dingledaqing and Nanpan River. There are 46 scenic spots in Nandan Mountain. The scenic area is dominated by the unique karst peaks, giant caves, hidden rivers and the native ecological landscape of the karst area in middle Yunnan. Here is the magical and precipitous Grand Canyon, the real and unreal sea of Five dragons, the meandering Five Dragons River and the colorful subtropical plants, a collection of caves, valleys, mountains, forests, water and strange, dangerous, beautiful, secluded as one, is the ecological tourism and ethnic customs tourism scenic spot.

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The highest peak is a natural Buddha statue, the face of the Buddha is full and dignified, showing his kind face under the blue sky and white clouds, sacred and dignified, but leisurely and satisfied. The right side of the Buddha statue is a natural Guanyin image, slim and smart, curling and colorful, long hair hanging over the shoulder, hand holding the bottle, and stepping on the lotus flower. At the foot of the mountain, the six round peaks formed by nature are neatly arranged and symmetrical, like vegetarian meals and immortal peaches, which are natural tributes in front of the large Buddha statue. The local Zhuang people worship Nandan Buddha is pious, because they think that Nandan Buddha can not only protect the Zhuang village under the Nandan mountain, but also can prolong the life of visitors from far and far.

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16. Fungus Mountain

Myzishan is located at the junction of Datong, Longqing and Wulong townships in Shizong County, Qujing City. For the first peak of Shizong County, here ten thousand hectares of rhododendrons stunning the world, rare trees all over the mountains, plateau meadows full of exotic, attractive scenery of the four seasons, vegetation is relatively well preserved. Myzishan is one of the largest original ecological camping sites in Yunnan, and its rich water grass and large area of natural flat lawn make it a favorite camping site for donkey friends. In addition, the village in the scenic spot farmer's family food fungus mountain is also not to be missed delicious.

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There are six gardens and nine views in the landmark landscape of Myzishan. Six parks: natural garden, natural botanical garden, natural zoo, natural wild orchard, natural wild fungus garden, natural stone garden. Nine views: millennium cuckoo, drunken Red Ridge, black pine forest, ancient ruins, macaque lake, fungus peak, rare forest, Wanhua Spring, Mushroom Ridge. Since 2001, the mountain has held a thousand flowers, motorcycle, off-road vehicle and other activities every year, attracting a large number of tourists.

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17. Phoenix Valley

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Located in Wulong Zhuang Township, Shizong County, Qujing City, Phoenix Valley is a huge canyon, famous for its Phoenix Cave. Fenghuang Cave is a horizontal cave of underground river type, which is characterized by \"high\

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The Phoenix Valley is a scenic spot with strange geological landscape as the main body, and both plant landscape, water landscape and rich ethnic customs. The Phoenix Cave in the scenic area is a horizontal cave with a vertical height of 219 meters in front of the cave, which is the largest in China. There are nearly 10,000 square meters of huge halls in the cave, and the combination of huge holes and huge halls constitutes the wonder of \"sunshine in the cave\". Connected with the cave is a huge canyon, with a height difference of more than 600 meters, forming a very steep cave canyon scenery.

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Attractions I have introduced to you, what do you know about the food in Qujing? Qujing food culture has a long history. Xuanwei ham with exquisite craftsmanship and unique flavor has been famous since the Ming and Qing Dynasties. It is famous at home and abroad for its fresh color, pure quality and fragrant taste. There are also unique Luliang duck, Qujing leek flower, Zhanyi spicy chicken, Malone buckwheat silk and so on. If you go to Luoping travel, in the Duoyi River, Lubuge scenic area, taste the local Buyi people do five-color flower rice, is also a rare beauty. Luoping's ginkgo meat diced, Bouyei bamboo wrapped dumpling, and bait silk are local specialties. When rapeseed flowers are in full bloom, you can also eat cold tender rape buds and stir-fried fresh rapeseed flowers. An alley opposite the Xinhua bookstore in Luoping has a night market at night, you can eat barbecue, casserole rice noodles; The casserole rice on Zhenxing Road is also very good.

1, Qujing dream world, where you have all the entertainment equipment.

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2, Jinlin Bay love town, network red card, and natural hot springs.

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3, flower Ke night market, is also the network red card, a variety of snacks dazzling.

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4, Guiguo Park, Qujing landmark, pleasant scenery, Jingning pagoda on the top of the mountain, now the top of the mountain can look down on the whole Qujing style.

Lubge Three Gorges

Qujing Lubuge Three Gorges with a total length of more than 20 kilometers, Xiongshi Gorge, Diling Gorge, Double Elephant Gorge and other various forms of mountain gorge distribution. Entering the Xiongshi Gorge, the sense of pressure of the cliffs comes to the face, the cliffs in the Xiongshi Gorge soar into the clouds, and the canyon is narrow and steep. Walking between the two sides of the peak wall, as if you are in a maze of nature, each step is a challenge to the inner courage and the spirit of adventure.

There are many scenic spots for you to choose from, each with its own characteristics

Qujing division Zong fungus mountain scenic spot

Qujing will ze sea grass mountain scenic spot

Qujing Qilin District Qilin water township scenic spot

Keyihei Scenic Spot, Qilin District, Qujing.        

Qujing Luoping Duoyi River scenic spot

Luoping county, Qujing Lubuge three Gorges scenic spot