副驾驶无线充ichaiyang 2024-05-12 7:44 69
do withoutSecondary card consumption is paid by the main card, so the secondary card does not need to recharge the phone fee. According to the official website of China Mobile, its...

Do I have to pay for the secondary card?

do without

Secondary card consumption is paid by the main card, so the secondary card does not need to recharge the phone fee. According to the official website of China Mobile, its main and secondary card business is called \"and multiple number\". That is, if the user does not change the mobile phone or add a SIM card, multiple (up to three) mobile phone numbers can be added to the original mobile phone number as the secondary number. Since the secondary number is no physical chip, there is no need for multiple mobile phones or multiple card slots, and the monthly communication fee is recorded under the main number package, which only requires a monthly functional fee of 5 yuan. More importantly, do not have a main number to register various platforms, to a large extent can avoid phone harassment. But it can only be used by yourself, if you want to share a package with your family, you have to re-understand other tariff package business. The sub-cards of China Telecom and China Unicom are phone cards with physical chips. According to the official websites of the two operators, their secondary card fees are paid by the main card.

You have to pay the phone bill for the secondary card.
1. Since the secondary card shares the same phone account with the primary card, the secondary card is required to pay the actual phone charge of the phone account.
2. In addition to the phone fee, the sub-card may also need to pay some other fees, such as card opening fee, monthly management fee, etc. 3. Some operators will also provide free sub-card services, but it should be noted that this free sub-card usually can only use a limited credit limit and traffic, and you still need to pay extra fees after exceeding the limit.

The secondary card needs to pay the phone charge.
1. Each sub-card is associated with the main card, so the communication privileges it enjoys are fully tied to the main card.
2. The secondary card is opened by the main card, which is only convenient for different family members to communicate and share a more economical and special service. 3. Although this privilege does not allow users to fully enjoy the service of free calls and data, the additional fee portion is cheaper compared to the main card.
Extended thinking: Some sub-card service providers often use traffic or the number of calls as a pricing standard, so do you need to install a traffic monitor or record the number of calls?