锐志装无线充ichaiyang 2024-05-12 6:49 51
The reason why the idling speed of the car engine does not go up:1, if the automatic transmission, this is the matching degree between the gearbox and the engine. It can be said th...

Step on the accelerator and the engine idling speed can't get up?

The reason why the idling speed of the car engine does not go up:

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1, if the automatic transmission, this is the matching degree between the gearbox and the engine. It can be said that the engine and gearbox are from different manufacturers, so the power data are very different, although there are common data to follow, but there is always a difference. Vehicles with low matching degree like this, especially when turning or turning around, will only hear the engine roar, but the car slowly makes no effort; Unlike the Toyota Reishi, the car is so well-matched that the moment it slips into D-gear and releases the brake pedal, the car can't wait to rush forward, let alone pump gas.

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2, excluding the cause of the engine itself, it is also related to the location of the region, such as the oxygen content of the air in your plateau is less; On the exhaust pipe of the engine, the oxygen content in the exhaust gas is detected to control the air-fuel ratio;

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3, this will increase the engine injection of oil, according to the definition of air-fuel ratio, fuel increases without sufficient air and combustion, the result can only be fuel consumption and speed can not be raised.

1. The oil circuit system has not been cleaned for a long time, resulting in oil circuit blockage, resulting in idling without speed.

2. If the air filter element or inlet of the vehicle is blocked, there will be idling without speeding up.

3. Gearbox failure, resulting in power can not be connected, there is no idling speed.

4. The engine throttle position sensor is faulty.

5. The throttle position sensor of the car is faulty.


1. There is a problem with the gearbox of the vehicle, resulting in idling due to the inability to connect the power;

2. The throttle phase sensor of the vehicle is abnormal;

3, engine throttle phase sensor fault;

4, vehicle inlet, air filter block;

5. The oil circuit system is blocked.

If the motor vehicle steps on the accelerator and the vehicle does not speed up, it is first necessary to check and analyze the oil circuit system of the engine. If the oil quality of the car is relatively poor recently, it may lead to this failure of the vehicle.

If it is serious, it will directly lead to the burning of the oil pump or the three oil catalytic failure problem, and when the vehicle uses the gasoline with poor oil quality for a long time, the engine will often stall.

The engine's oil circuit system is also crucial, if the poor quality of gasoline is added, it is likely to affect the oil pump burn, three-way catalytic failure problems, piston failure problems.

At the same time, it affects the engine power, which is easy to cause the engine to stall, accelerate and cannot raise the speed.

The speed of the car fuel door does not go up, and the probability is that the clutch is slipping. The main performance of the clutch slip is that when the car accelerates during driving, the speed can not be increased with the increase of the engine speed, and the power of the engine can not be fully transmitted to the driving wheel, resulting in weak driving, especially when going uphill.

The main cause of clutch slip is the lack of friction of clutch friction plate; Clutch is not in place to grab or out of gear; Long time semi clutch state sports car, sliding on clutch; When the car is not fully in place when it is in gear or out of gear, it gives the throttle sharply, resulting in abnormal loss of the clutch.

Step on the throttle engine idling, that is, in the n gear or manual gear is to increase the speed of the throttle engine is not up, this is mainly the oil staircase, the oil supply can not keep up, it will cause this situation, indicating that the general circuit problem of the engine operation is not big, but it is impossible to have no problem, first check the oil circuit is not blocked oil stains?

Is it through atomization?

Is it a good spark plug?

Is this circuit system normal?

The fault needs to be resolved before normal operating conditions can be restored